Well, well, well.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 08 Desember 2008 0 komentar
I'm still sick, but I've torn myself out of bed for a teeny bit because laying down was just painful for me. I don't have any idea with what I'm sick with, as I show no other symptoms than just being ~out~ of any sort of energy supply. I have no appetite, no thirst, no nothing. Which I'm sure isn't helping out things. My husband finally just made me something to eat last night, skipping the whole "You hungry? Want me to make you something?" "No, that's okay, thanks." conversation we were having all day yesterday. I haven't eaten anything today either, but I've been staying hydrated. I'll eat dinner though.

Thanks for all the input on the circumcision post! I was quite surprised how 'controversial' it really was. I did turn off comments though, as it's all been discussed. And some of the comments were getting quite, well, strong. As I've always said, I love to debate issues, but my rule is "argue ~YOUR~ side, don't attack the other side" and that's not what was happening in many of the comments - some I choose to publish and some I didn't. The ones I did allow I thought the author wasn't trying to be rude, it just came out that way.

Speaking of "argue ~your~ side, don't attack the other side", why do you think people end up attacking the other side instead of simply sticking to their side? I feel the same way at sporting events - root for you team, don't dis the other team. But so many people do it. And honestly, it's what will drive me to simply walk away from a debate. Why can't I just be told ~why~ they believe in their own choices instead of only telling me why they think my choice is wrong? Once someone starts down this road, I simply end it with them because 99% of the time? It's just not worth it. They are just more against my decision/opinion then they are for their own. And that's not a debate.

I just looked at my google reader and I have 342 posts to read. Oh boy. I'm going to go ~try~ to get through some right now.
Judul: Well, well, well.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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