(updated) Poll for the "pregnant" (past & present) ...

Posted by Unknown Senin, 29 Desember 2008 0 komentar
This poll is for anyone who is or has been pregnant. Due to you can only select one answer, here are the rules ...

The poll is on the VERY BOTTOM of the right column. Just skip past everything to find it.

Question is ... For those pregnant directly from treatments what was the treatment that ~got you pregnant)? Only check what the bfp cycle was, not everything you've tried. If you got pregnant treatment-less, there are two "none of the above" options in the second poll box.

1. If you have had treatments in both successful and failed pregnancies, answer for the successful one.
2. If you've had multiple successful pregnancies, answer for the one that had the "biggest" infertility treatment, which is defined by you.

I know some conditions "fall through the cracks" here, but just use your best guess to define the answer I'm looking for. Pretty much, I want to know what what the "biggest" or "hardest" or "most complicated" infertility treatment did you use to get your hardest to get BFP.

By the way, I left out surgeries and procedures because that's not a 'get you pregnant' treatment. It could have certainly gotten your oven ready, but I won't say it's any of the 4 uterine surgeries that ~got~ me pregnant.

UPDATE - I answered questions in the comments AND I added another poll for more available answers. And I changed the rules to allow some "none of the above" options for those who didn't have treatment BFPs to still answer.
Judul: (updated) Poll for the "pregnant" (past & present) ...
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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