
Posted by Unknown Selasa, 23 Desember 2008 0 komentar
That all came out a little wrong. I didn't mean for it to all be about pregnant women, as I've just been noticing it all around. The examples I was able to use were simply the ones I could use anonymously, can't get too finger pointy around here. I guess it just overwhelmed me yesterday. I was just prompted with another one of those "I have a hangnail, do you think I should go to labor and delivery?" questions and it all came out about the preggos.

I have my '36 week' appointment today which in numbers is u/s #23, NST#13 and OB visit #10. I don't know why I keep track of the numbers, I guess it just seems so outrageous to have so many.

It just started snowing and it's a balmy 31 degrees. Such a warm spell after our high of 17 the other day. Looks like I should get out a mini skirt and bikini top. :) heh. Could you imagine how ridiculous I would look, even if it was freaking hot outside?

Not much else to say at the moment. Ohhhh... a big ~congratulations~ to Miss Denise who gave birth to Apple and Banana this morning! Her husband and mom pretty much blogged the whole thing, so it was cool.

I leave you with a question ... if you could clone yourself to have as your baby, would you?
Judul: Whoa.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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