I'm freaking out

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 09 Desember 2008 0 komentar
(children mentioned)

My youngest was complaining of a hurt neck. Usually I'll give an owie extra attention and kiss it and usually that's all she needs. After continued complaint, I decided on some motrin - as maybe she strained her neck playing. That was 2 hours ago.

She is laying on the couch with her hand on the back of her neck, crying. I called her pediatrician. They ask if she has a fever and I didn't think she did but I check. 101! How did I not catch that? They then ask me a few other questions, some yes, some no.

And then she says "Has she possibly lost control of her bladder or bowels lately?"

~gasp~. YES. My daughter has been 100% potty trained for well over a year. And in the past 5 days? 4 accidents. I can't even remember the last time she's had an accident.

So I am waiting for a call back from the doctor himself, as the nurse wants him to assess now. And google? VERY bad.

More waiting.

Maybe I should have put this on my other blog. Sorry.
Judul: I'm freaking out
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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