blah blah Christmas blah Puke blah Sleep blah Food blah

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 25 Desember 2008 0 komentar
I'm not big in the whole "joyous season" thing. Of course I hope everyone is doing well in whatever they are doing today, but you won't see a big holiday post here. (I've always been a bit of a bah humbug.)

Today is more tiring than anything. I just now sat down after 8 hours on my feet with only maybe 30 minutes of rest, which ended in Allison puking on me, pooling vomit in my bra. She was sick in the middle of the night and I finally got up with her around 630am. She suddenly realized it was Christmas and started checking things out, Ella waking maybe 15 minutes later. Daddy was woken up, santa presents were opened and the in laws were over by 745am for the rest of the gift opening. I made everyone waffles and bacon, cleaned up, got puked on a few more times, kept everyone comfortable while watching A Christmas Story, in laws left by 11am, I did a load of vomit laundry, laid down on the couch with my sickie poo, she puked all over me, gave us a bath, shampooed rug and couch, opened all toys/gifts, gathered all trash, fed older child, gave sickie a roll (which she has yet to throw up, but I'm sure she will), got oldest down for a nap, got sickie on the couch resting, organized things so new stuff has a place, put everything away, vacuumed behind the stuff I moved, and here I am, sitting down for a moment. I have some rolls rising for the big dinner which I have to cook soon, then I have to get everyone ready so we can go over to the in law's (aunt's) house for the big dinner. Presents are still over there, so I must bring the little one, but she feels fine except for the occasional vomiting. Hopefully I'll be able to just cuddle with her on the couch when we go there, as my back is killing me.

I did get a few gifts in which I'm excited about. A brand new camera which is what I asked for. It was the "big" gift from the in laws. I can't believe I can even ask for such a gift, much less receive one. They bought our old camera 5 years ago for Christmas, which seems archaic compared to the new one. My 'name pull' gift was a pair of black converse. Except instead of the regular canvas, they are leather. I'm not sure about them yet, they look cool, but we'll see - I'm used to the canvas. The present from my husband and kids is a pair of black uggs. Which is actually kind of funny. #1 - I have a thing with black casual footwear and I not only wanted these, but I asked for the black converse. #2 - Uggs are so fucking ugly. BUT, I live in colorado and when it's cold and snowy, I live in them. I don't wear skinny jeans, instead opting for boot cut, so my pants are never ever tucked into them, so that's good. Plus, I don't wear them with a mini skirt like you see the girls in LA wear them. For me, they are functional and honestly, the most comfortable shoes I own. Definitely my favorite winter wear. Well, the ones I wear everyday are the light brown ones and you just can't wear brown with ~everything~. So I asked for black. They are my one gift, as both Tom and I decided on a strict budget this year, him actually opting for something inexpensive for himself so he could get me the boots. What a nice guy, eh? I was actually feeling bad about his little gift and told him I could use my xmas money my parents gave me to get him something else. When I asked him what he wanted, he said if anything, he'd like to get a little more cash so he could get ~me~ more. Seriously. What a wonderful man. The one thing he wanted was to get me something else. The boots were enough though.

Sweet. My little one is sleeping on the couch now so I'm going to sneak off for a shower and maybe some xmas lovin'. (tmi but I don't know what is up with me. I'm a freaking sex fiend right now - we have indulged in one type or another leading to the big O at least 6 or 7 times in the last day and a half. And I'm so freaking grossly big-pregnant, by far from being anything close to being sexy. Hrm, go figure.)

I have to work tomorrow, so you'll "see" more from me sooner rather than later. I haven't been able to take the time to really read other blogs right now, but I've caught a few heartaches which I need to pay some attention too. I'll be back before too long.
Judul: blah blah Christmas blah Puke blah Sleep blah Food blah
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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