No more crying wolf.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 16 Desember 2008 0 komentar
Jeez. I'm not going to assume anything anymore. I just get proven wrong time and time again.

I had my "35w" appointment today. My OB was in surgery, so I met with the NP. I needed to ask all the c-section questions I had (when? can we do the version with cord issue? etc.) and she said those would all have to be answered by the Doc. When she measured my fundus (36cms!) she said "I think this baby is head down. Either that or he has a really firm butt." I was like No Way, since he was Frank Breech last week. So she went and got the handy dandy portable u/s machine (u/s#21!) and what do you know? Head down and snuggled in. No more c-section worries (due to breech) for me. Well, unless the kid turns again. Who knows, right?

Everything else was cool. BP was sticking at 120/80, my weight was 166lbs (+9 from bfp added to +12 from IVF/FET for a total gain of 21 lbs.) I talked about my insomnia and my lovely, wonderful NP gave me some ambien. I'm SO excited to go to bed tonight with the chance to actually ~sleep~.

I have my 12th BPP/NST tomorrow which will make u/s#22. You'd think I was high risk or something. ~wink~. I'm going to ask her to measure Karl's head just to see if hanging out in my pelvis made it a tad bit smaller. Now I'm worried about delivering a huge head!

Lots of work to do, but wanted to give the update.
Judul: No more crying wolf.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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