My blog to-do list today ...

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 24 Desember 2008 0 komentar
I had a list of things to talk about today which are all simply random. And a question for you at the very end ...

~ Christmas cards. I've sent them out every year since I lived on my own, which was 17. So yeah, I've sent out cards for 19 years! This year is being skipped in lieu of our birth announcements. So everyone who has sent cards, thank you! You are definitely on my xmas card list now, but this year is just one of those weird years which you won't be immediately reciprocated. Just wanted to tell you that so I didn't seem like a bad friend.

~ Someone asked me for my address and I totally forget who it was. Can you leave me a comment if it was you?

~ Where art thou Mareike?

~ I watch movies backwards. Always have, always will. I rarely go to the movies, so most movies are on one of the bajillion movie channels I have. And I hate when a movie sucks. So, what I usually do is catch the end of a movie (last 10/15 minutes) and if it seems like a good ending, I'll either watch it from the beginning ~or~ the last 30 minutes, then last 45 minutes, until I get to the beginning.

This works for me. And sometimes it works really well. I don't want to watch such a shit ending. So therefore, I didn't. For instance, a few months ago, I watched the end of The Departed. I still wanted to watch it because I liked the characters and storyline, but in knowing the ending, I knew who I shouldn't get attached to, instead of looking for ways the ending was validated in the characters. Had I watched it from the beginning, I'd of rooted for certain people and then I'd of been really seriously pissed off. Instead, I watched it knowing the ending and it was a freaking FABULOUS movie.

Last night I saw the end of a horrible movie on IFC which everyone just horribly died at the end. Fuck that. It was too depressing to even want to watch more of it. It was called "Its All About Love" with Claire Danes, Joaquin Phoenix and Sean Penn. Lame. Lame. Lame.

~ I got an award from Elana and Lilith. First of all, thank you girls! You make me all warm and fuzzy inside!

The rules for this one is to admit my 5 addictions. Lilith mentioned she really wanted to know my addictions, so I'll answer.

1. Food - sunflower seeds. Seriously, I cannot live without them.
2. Spice - Salt. Makes sense out of #1.
3. Drink - Irish Car Bombs. When I go out drinking, I can't ~not~ have one or two or three of these.
4. Drug - I'm a heroin addict. I've been clean from it for 12 years, but once an addict, always an addict. So I guess it still counts.
5. Miscellaneous - Hollywood gossip magazines. I don't know where this comes from, but I can tell you way too much about all the stars these days. WAY too much. It's quite embarrassing.

~ And today, I leave you with a task. I feel like answering questions today. So, could each of you leave a question (or two or three, etc) for me to answer? NOTHING is off limits and I promise to answer each one completely truthfully. There is only one question I can think of that is off limits, so if you don't touch upon that, you've got an honest view in to my brain. (I will start new post to answer questions as soon as I get 10. Well, ~if~ I get 10. Maybe I won't get that many - how embarrassing to say that then, eh?)
Judul: My blog to-do list today ...
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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