Circumcision - Necessary or Torture?
Jumat, 05 Desember 2008
~All~ I know about circumcision is to me, a penis looks funny without it done. It's simply because the 99.9% of the penis I saw in my sexually exploratory years were circumcised. I may have seen one, maybe two uncircumcised. So to me, it was weird. I didn't know anything about them. I certainly didn't want to put one in my mouth because I've heard the propaganda that they're not as clean. I don't know what's beneath those folds!
Now, now, I'm sure it's all just dirty lies. The penis is as clean as the owner keeps it. But you know, with a circumcised penis, I can ~see~ everything, there aren't any hidden folds. So maybe my "dirty" fear is kind of true. Although I bet if there was "stuff" hidden in those folds, I wouldn't have to see it, I'm sure there would be a smell.
Okay, so. I've admitted I know nothing about it. If it's good or bad in the long run for the man. I know my husband is happy that he is, but he doesn't know what it's like to not be circumcised. I have also heard of a couple men who ended up getting it done as an adult. But I've heard way more stories of men who were pissed that they didn't have a decision in the matter and they wished they weren't - but then again, these guys also never knew what it was like to have it "undone" either. I guess I would need to talk to a guy who has experienced it both ways, but these would be guys who were for circumcision, since they went for it later on in life, so they wouldn't be a good group to ask either.
So how can we tell what's "better"?
I googled the pros and cons and the Mayo Clinic says the pros are: Easier hygiene. Decreased risk of urinary tract infections. Prevention of penile problems. Decreased risk of penile cancer. Decreased risk of sexually transmitted diseases. And the cons are: Surgical risks. Pain.
They don't really seem like they covered much of the cons, do they? So I found a better site. They list the same Pros of circumcision, adding in: A son should "look like" his father and
Worry about being "strange", but their Cons are: No medical reason for the circumcision, Fear of complications, Pain of the procedure and the memory of the pain after the procedure, Possible risk of conditions that develop because a foreskin is not present, Worry about decreased sexual sensitivity, and Lack of consent for a potentially life-changing operation.
The ~great~ thing about this site is with every pro and con, they discuss the supporting evidence AND arguments against. For instance:
Reason: Worry about decreased sexual sensitivity
Supporting Evidence: Some people feel the glans toughens up without its protective cover, and the penis is desensitized.
Arguments Against: No study has shown that circumcised men experience less sexual pleasure.
It's like they denounce every pro and con, not really helping you make the best of decision, but they do give you the most information possible. So they really leave it up to you to apply what's most important to you.
What I said in a comment on my last post was I am "out of my element when it comes to circumcision". And I still think it's true. I don't have a penis. I'll never have a penis. The only aspect of a penis I've dealt with is in a sexual manner. In looking at the pros and cons, I do gravitate towards the "A son should look like his father" and "Worry about being strange" arguments. Definitely the psychological arguments, as the physical arguments like cleanliness/STDs can be taught (IE: taught how to stay clean, use condoms).
I do think it's not the most pleasant thing to put my son through, but I also think that ~for me~, the pain I'm going to put him through is worth ~my~ reasons. And it just so happens that my reasons are the same reasons my husband wants to circumcise too (very convenient, eh?).
Anyone have thoughts on this topic?
Judul: Circumcision - Necessary or Torture?
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