blogger help?
Minggu, 28 Desember 2008
Does anyone know of a setting or way I can respond via email to a comment left on my blog? I know other blog formats do this (wordpress maybe?) because I get email responses to comments I leave on other people's blogs. I would love to know because I have three problems.
1. I commonly ask questions when leaving comments. But I rarely remember which blogs, out of my 200 or so current subscriptions, I have left questions on. I know I can check the "email follow-up comments to ..." option, but then I would get an email for each comment left on that blog, not just the author's response to me (which, I might add, doesn't always happen when I DO remember to check later. Hint for bloggers - answer questions! Although I'm being kind of lame to request this because I'm admitting I don't always remember to go look for the answers.)
2. Pretty much the same issue as my first, but it's the other way around. When someone asks ~me~ a question, I always try to answer it in another comment, but since I know I have a problem with remembering to go look for answers to my own questions, I'm assuming others have the same issue.
3. Again, same issue, but this time it's with simple responses to someone's comment. I quite often respond with a follow up to some comments and have no way to tell the person I am responding to their comment besides physically going to their blog and letting them know about it. I would love to be able to just email them, like others do for me. Depending how important it is, I will go notify them via their blog or by going to their profile and finding their email, but many people don't have their email listed.
So - is there a setting for this or any way to accomplish this function ~without~ setting up a new blog somewhere else? Please let me know!
Judul: blogger help?
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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