Rude fucking people.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 04 Desember 2008 0 komentar
This is post #666, so it should obviously be a little evil and schnarky, no?

Everyone knows by now I say what's on my mind. I'll disagree with someone. I'll give my opinion even if I know it's unpopular. I'm blunt. I'm truthful to a fault. BUT, I'm not flat out ~rude~ on purpose.

True, some people think I'm rude. But it's usually that I am simply mistaken as rude. If I am asked my opinion and it's contrary to what they believe, I'm told I'm rude. That's not really the case though, is it? If you don't want an answer that may be different from your own, don't ask for it. It's not ~my fault~ if I think differently! So, let's just say for sake of argument that most people who think I'm rude are people who were either disagreed with, had a differing opinion, don't like my personal style or some other type thing. But in the definition of rudeness? I really don't think I am. (I'm sure I have had my moments, heck, most people have, but I surely don't think it's an overriding characteristic.)

The rude people I am talking about right now are the ones who do not understand the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

It's such a basic rule! Yet I see people breaking it all the time. And I'm sure you know the type, don't you? Examples are easy to find. Some are minor, some aren't. But there is one thing all of them have in common - there was ~no~ reason it needed to be said. Now, if there was a question asked for a response, then you are stuck with what you get in return (ie: Do these pants make my thighs look fat?")

The ones that get under my nerves the worst are the seemingly minor ones like this which transpire on message boards ALL the time:

Me: "I'm just bought a pair of jeans from PlaceX. I really like them!"
Rude person: "I don't buy anything from PlaceX, I think the material is cheap looking."

Jeez. Why would someone respond with just that? First of all it didn't even need to be sad. Secondly, if the person really felt like they needed to say it, it could have been made to sound better. "What did you end up buying? I've never had good luck there because I never find a material I like. That's great you found something cool!" See how much nicer that is?

The more major rude responses are the ones in which leave me utterly speechless, such as this conversation I had with a girl years ago:

Me: "We're really excited, we've decided to stop taking the pill and start trying to conceive!"
Rude girl: "Oh, you are on the pill, huh? You probably won't get pregnant anytime soon. And if you do, the first baby you conceive will most likely die."

Gasp. Step back. Walk away. Now, this girl was a bitter IFer who got pregnant after a long journey and after IVF. So I understand her not stuffing me full of puppydogs and rainbows. She could have said "I really hope things go well for you, but don't be too disappointed if you don't ovulate right away because some people on the pill have a hard time getting back to normal cycles." That is a proper response for an IFer. But the first baby conceived dying thing? What. The. Fuck.?

What examples of rude responses can you think of right now?


In other news, I tried my hand at making plain onesies and tshirts my own using iron ons today (click on image for a super large zoom in):

I see a few issues - When using little sayings, I need to trim them up differently. I just cut them freehand with a scissors and since the background is off white, it definitely shows up. And I need to work on the placement on the t-shirts. Due to the way these t-shirts are designed, centering the iron on makes the design too low. But not too bad for my first try, eh?

If you haven't yet read the last post about GreenDimes - please do. It's such an easy way to help your Earth.
Judul: Rude fucking people.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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