That was fun, but now I'm bored.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 21 November 2008 0 komentar
I need something new to talk about because although funny, it gets old quick. In my two years of blogging, I've had my share of whackadoos and people who don't like me. I usually just ignore it, but every now and again, I love to point out how ridiculous someone is. And as chicklet pointed out, it's also ridiculous of me to indulge in it too, but it was just too funny for me to ignore sometimes. Usually, people pick a few things that I do that they don't like and concentrate on that. But this time, it was all stuff that was totally made up and taken out of context so it was super east to make fun of and laugh at.

I wonder how other people think about this ... I actually LIKE that everyone doesn't like me. In fact, I actually enjoy the knowledge some people despise me. It tells me that I'm not someone who just goes with the flow of everyone else. I'm not boring. I'm not afraid to give my opinion, even if I know it could be unpopular with some people. I stir real emotion in some people. Of course I don't want to simply be mean to someone (except in response to someone who posted a giant blog post dedicated to calling me a bitch and to spread lies. That's defamation.) and when giving my opinion, I will ~always~ leave room for the other side, as I respect people have differing opinions. But I personally take it as a compliment when someone would go through so much work to show their distaste in me. Does anyone feel the same way as I do - in that being liked by ~everyone~ isn't actually a good thing?

I figure if ~everyone~ liked me, I wouldn't at all be exciting. I know some of those people in the world, where they are always accommodating and always nice to everyone. These people never have strong opinions on any topic and if they did, they keep it to themselves.

I don't want to be like that. I would rather be really liked or really hated. No in-between with me. Ask anyone who has known me for awhile and ask what they think of me. No one shrugs their shoulders and says "eeeeh, I don't know".

So whackadoos, thank you. Thank you for letting me know I'm getting what I'm trying for. Thank you for actually boosting my self esteem and ego. Thank you for reminding me I'm not becoming boring and I'm not simply mediocre.

I'm putting up a poll at the very bottom (on the right) for you all to chime in. Please take a moment to answer?
Judul: That was fun, but now I'm bored.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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