How clean is your water?

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 22 November 2008 0 komentar
I just took such a nice bath. My back was hurting so I asked my hubby to draw me a bath and he did such a good job! He put in lavender bubbles, brought in clean towels, set a brand new magazine on the side, brought in my radio from my shower and even gave me a nice cold glass of orange juice. I mean really. How awesome can he be? All that from "honey, can you make me a bath? My back hurts and I want to soak." Yeah, he rules.

Anywho, in regards to the title of this post, I was reading in the newest issue of Self about the best/worst cities for this and that. Our little city, Colorado Springs, was mentioned four times! Looks like we get the award for Least Hypertension, Least Diabetes and Cleanest water, which, I might add, totally rocks. I love our water here. I can't taste the difference between tap water and bottled water which makes drinking water so much easier here. I got so used to drinking out of the tap that I forget our water rules and when I'm traveling, I'll inadvertently take a drink out from the tap regardless of the city I'm in. And Some people's water really, really sucks. I've actually had to spit water out before. I remember watching the news about testing our city's water supply and the lab who performed the test said our water was just as good as the sterile water they have to use in their testing.

So there I am, soaking and gloating over my city's water and I catch our city's name in the 4th category... "Most Suicides". Really? This one totally and completely shocks me. I would have never ever guessed that one. I guess that's what I get for gloating about our water and lack of hypertension and diabetes.

After the bath I dried off and got under the sheets with tom. I love getting all snuggly right after a bath when my body temp is still extra warm. That was an hour ago and let's just say that I'm even more nice and relaxed now. hint~hint~wink~wink. Ahhh. I just don't have much to complain about right now.

Gotta go get my iclw comments in today. I didn't realize it started yesterday, so I have to get 10 comments and 2 returns in. There are 110 on the list this month and I'm already behind, so I doubt I'll get in iron commenter this month. Boooo. But I know I can at least get in the required amount. Actually, I always make the minimum because I do leave that many comments on the blogs I regularly read, but during iclw, I like to stick to the iclw list. They are the ones who are putting in the work too, so I like to do my part in opening up my eyes to new blogs I may really get into.

Happy ICLW! "Talk" to you tomorrow.
Judul: How clean is your water?
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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