This is not a witty title.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 27 November 2008 0 komentar
I have always hated giving titles to things. It was the worst part of English class - naming my papers. I tried to give my papers the title of "Title" multiple times, but I always got marked off. ~shrug~. My teachers had zero sense of humor.

Thanks for everyone who gave good thoughts/wishes for my father, that was really super nice of each and every one of you. What a day to give thanks, eh? I just talked to them and he's doing ~great~. Getting all his tubes and stuff out, passing all his breathing tests and they are going to move him out of ICU into his "normal" room today. Yay!

I'm in Salida, Colorado for a few days and he's in Phoenix. So no, I'm not with them. Instead, I'm at the most beautiful house with breath taking mountain views. It's my in-law's house and I'm in love with the area here. I'm taking it as easy as I can as my wonderful hubby has told me HE will be taking care of everything so I can rest. I'm taking advantage.

In baby news ...

I had a bit of a scare last night. The baby is in a really uncomfortable position and the last part of the drive yesterday was starting to really hurt. When I got out of the car, I went to lay down on the couch and the contractions started. Every 2-3 minutes. I started downing water and timing them, hoping to god they would start to peeter out. My father in law is the CEO of the hospital here in town, so with just a simple call I'd have the best care (not that they don't care for others just as well, but when treating the big boss's daughter in law and only grandson, I'm sure they'd jump a little higher.), but I did NOT want to go to L&D to get a shot of terbutaline. Yuck. Thankfully, they started to get further and further away from one another, and by the time they ended 4 hours later, I was only getting 2-3 in an hour.

I had ultrasound #18 yesterday and found baby boy to be in yet another new position. Still transverse, but heading for breech status. Ugh.

As you can see by my drawing ...

... he is in a fabulous position to kick the shit out of my bladder, causing great pain and a great need to pee like every 30 seconds. So he arches up into my ribs and side and kicks me in the bladder and cervix. When I sit in an upright position, he really does a thing or two to my cervix which is why I think I had all those contractions.

And may I say that I SUCK at drawing on the computer? I don't see how Mel and Geohde does it. Their paint pictures are so damned cute and I end up with a baby that looks very much like the Grinch.

Happy T-day to you all. Don't eat too much. No one likes to feel overly full.
Judul: This is not a witty title.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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