I guess I'm changing the baby's name to Frank.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 10 Desember 2008 0 komentar
Frank Breech that is.

Little boy has gotten himself in a full frank breech position - his little butt nestled in my pelvis and his feet up by his face. Ugh. Although he still has a chance for turning, we all heard the "my baby turned at 39 weeks" stories, my tech said in this presentation, we don't have the best luck. Time will tell.

Everything was measuring within the same growth curve (30%) until we got to his head. Yeah, it's freaking huge. At 28 weeks, it was measuring 28 weeks. Now at 34 weeks, it's measuring 36-38 weeks. WTF? Tech said it was most likely due to not being compressed at all in the pelvis so it just is going to be bigger than normal. So that one measurement threw everything else off - overall growth is now at 54% and weight is estimated at 5lbs 5 ozs. But like I said, that can totally be off.

His NST was strange too. His baseline hr is usually around 140bpm and today it was over 160bpm, going up to 180 during movements. So I don't know what to think about that either. But damn, I'm sure he'll have to have a higher hr to support that giant head.

My appointment with the doctor isn't until next Tuesday, so we'll see what he says. I'm pretty bummed about a c-section, as I really really really don't want one. No, I'm not scared of one or think I can't do it, yada, yada. I just would really rather go into labor on my own. I don't want a birth 1 second before my baby tells my body he's ready to come out. I am far from the fence of elective inductions, so scheduled c-sections (for breech babies, not other medically necessary situations) don't sit with me well. I know if it's necessary, it'll be necessary, but I hope I'm able to schedule it out as close to 40 weeks as freaking possible. If I can even wait until labor starts, I'd be happiest.
Judul: I guess I'm changing the baby's name to Frank.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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