Well ~that~ was embarrasing.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 02 Desember 2008 0 komentar
I had my "32 week" OB appointment yesterday. It went smoothly.

~ I first had to pee in a cup, which Ella found VERY amusing.

~ I'm gaining weight like there is no tomorrow - Up 3 lbs from 2 weeks ago putting my total weight gain at a hefty 27 pounds! (+12 lbs from IVF/FET and +15 lbs from pregnancy).

~ My fundus measured 27cms. It should be within 30-34, so I'm on the small side, but due to baby's position, Dr T isn't worried.

~ My blood pressure was normal and the baby's heartbeat was also normal.

~ Asked about his on call Dr rotation for delivery and found out he's in a group of ~6~ doctors. Ack! He only shares an office with one of the doctors and the other 4 are completely unknown to me. I want him to deliver me! He simply said "Don't worry, I'll make sure I'll do the delivery." I don't know how that will happen, but hot damn, that's good.

~ I did ask if everyone in his on call rotation does the perineum stretching trick and he said he didn't know. See, my doc stretches the perineum between contractions, so he avoids tearing and episiotomies. I didn't have either with the births of my girls, so I'm hoping to avoid it again. It hurts like hell and during delivery, I hate him for it, but it's so much better in the long run. No issues, no healing pain, no trouble with going to the bathroom.

And now the embarrassing part. So if you are a guy who knows me, please look away now. This is just nothing you should know about me.

~ I had a question this time. See, my lips down below are freaking ginormous right now. Very swollen. They have been ever since I got pregnant. In fact, they are kind of like they were when I was taking those viagra suppositories, which increased my blood flow to the nether regions. I've known about it for awhile now, but just the other day I got out a mirror and took a peek. ~gasp~. Hugeness. Not normal. Not normal at all. Now, I don't remember if they were like this with the girls, I certainly think I would remember though.

So I ask my OB about them. He said it's normal to happen during pregnant, but it doesn't happen to everyone nor every pregnancy. He called it something, which I can't remember, and he said that it "usually" goes away after birth. Um, usually? He said that for some women, it stays swollen, but not to worry as he can perform a labiaectomy. Yes. A labiaectomy. Surgically make my lips look normal again. Oh goodness.

As we are discussing this, I mention that it feels like it did when I was on viagra. He said he has heard of that treatment and wanted to know more. He started to ask me all kinds of questions - the funniest being if I really did feel a heightened sex drive from the increased blood flow. (This was ~not~ a creepy conversation at all by the way - you could tell he was medically interested, not personally.) I explained how it did, in fact, increase my libido but due to all the stuff I was sticking up my vagina during my FET (3 estrogen pills and 4 viagra suppositories per day, not overlapping any of them) made for a messy area and somehow leaking out blue goo didn't set the mood right. Then we were both laughing at the hilarity of it all. Only I would have this conversation with a doctor.

~ The nursery is completely finished. And I mean DONE. I bought a full size bed to put in the corner so we would still have somewhat of a guest room in the house. We just need another bed. When someone is sick or snoring or when we can't lay in a certain position because of a new tattoo or whatever, another bed is just necessary. That was delivered last week and I bought a sheet/comforter set from PBK that matches the color scheme of the crib bedding / throw rug / curtains. I also washed all of his clothes and situated everything just right. It's ready. Like there is literally ~nothing~ left to do. It just needs a baby now. I find myself just walking in the nursery just to look at it. It's so calm and peaceful. And it just makes me so fucking excited to bring a newborn home.

~ My ticker says 7w3d until my due date. But my guess is 6w6d if I'm able to go naturally. If something goes wrong with growth/placenta/fluid, best case scenario is 4w3d. Another chance I have is making it to 35 weeks, which is 2w3d away. Ack. That's close. Although I can't wait to meet my son, I really want to stay pregnant for the entire 40 weeks. I don't want to miss out on any of these days. Before I know it, it'll be all over and I'll never feel it again.
Judul: Well ~that~ was embarrasing.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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