Home Births. They honestly make me mad.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 30 Desember 2008 0 komentar
The title says it all. I think allowing anyone to have a home birth these days is an utterly ridiculous concept. Midwife assisted or not, to me, it's simply too risky.Okay, okay - I know I've already pissed off many people. But it's my opinion. If you are one of the people who got pissed off, think of it this way - you think it's ridiculous so many women have hospital births, right? Well, I feel the...

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Rapid Weight Gain

Posted by Unknown Senin, 29 Desember 2008 0 komentar
I had OB appointment #11 today and had quite a shock. I gained 8 lbs in 6 days!! Awesome, eh?Here is the reason for the enormous weight gain though:Check out them "ankles"! I have to put the word in quotes because I think they are my ankles, they just look nothing like what ankles should look like. I usually have these things called bones sticking out the sides, but they have gone missing. And check...

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(updated) Poll for the "pregnant" (past & present) ...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This poll is for anyone who is or has been pregnant. Due to you can only select one answer, here are the rules ...The poll is on the VERY BOTTOM of the right column. Just skip past everything to find it.Question is ... For those pregnant directly from treatments what was the treatment that ~got you pregnant)? Only check what the bfp cycle was, not everything you've tried. If you got pregnant treatment-less,...

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I have dirty panties.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 28 Desember 2008 0 komentar
(topcat - this title is dedicated to you. Why? Because you asked ~"who talks about walking around naked but you" and now the question can be ~"who talks about having dirty panties?" And yes, that would be me.)I just went made a post christmas excursion to the mall so I could pick up a new belly button ring. My belly piercing hole needed some room to stretch beyond the distance provided by the horseshoe...

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Weird dreams and porn.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I had a night full of weird dreams. Apparently I wanted to buy a shark. A great white. They come live from the store but I think I wanted to eat it or something, because I was worried I wasn't going to be able to slaughter it correctly. It ended up costing too much though - $500.49 for the shark itself, but then I was going to have to hire a tribe of indigenous people (indigenous to where, I'm unsure)...

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blogger help?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
(update - yes, I know I can check to have all follow up comments emailed to me. And I know I can go to their profile to get their email. I was just wondering if there was a setting somewhere that I could click an "email" option from the comment itself.)Does anyone know of a setting or way I can respond via email to a comment left on my blog? I know other blog formats do this (wordpress maybe?) because...

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Why do some people own dogs? Or have no interest in grammar?

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008 0 komentar
This is such an issue of mine. People who own dogs but don't act as if they even ~want~ them. We have some neighbors who live a few houses down behind us (open alley, so I can see into their backyard) who own two dogs. These dogs are ~always~ outside. Always. And the smaller of the two, a cute little black/brown chihuahua), constantly barks. Being an open alley and having a chain link fence, the dog...

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(a teeny update)

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 26 Desember 2008 0 komentar
I updated the I meant that as a joke! post below to include the pictures of how my new jammies fit ...

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I meant that as a joke!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
My back has hurt in a strange place and quite badly over the past week or so. It was under my shoulder and nothing seemed to help it - heat, position, muscle relaxers, etc. I have some vicodin which would help take the pain away, but as soon as the med wore off, it still hurt. It was way too high for it to be directly from the baby, but maybe referred pain. I joked that my rib was out.I went to see...

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Emilie, You will never be forgotten.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 25 Desember 2008 0 komentar
Emilie, who blogged at Lemmondrops, has passed away.Her husband has posted a quote she wanted to share with us all after her death. Please visit and share your condolenc...

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blah blah Christmas blah Puke blah Sleep blah Food blah

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I'm not big in the whole "joyous season" thing. Of course I hope everyone is doing well in whatever they are doing today, but you won't see a big holiday post here. (I've always been a bit of a bah humbug.)Today is more tiring than anything. I just now sat down after 8 hours on my feet with only maybe 30 minutes of rest, which ended in Allison puking on me, pooling vomit in my bra. She was sick in...

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The question and answer post

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 24 Desember 2008 0 komentar
This post will be updated as new questions are added to the last post or this one. (my last post was today's post, so don't let this one fool you into not reading the other one.)~ "if you regret anything at all in your life, what is it?"---> I honestly don't do regrets. I made mistakes, yes, but I try to learn from them.~ If Karl would have been a girl what would the name have been?---> Ruby.~...

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My blog to-do list today ...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I had a list of things to talk about today which are all simply random. And a question for you at the very end ...~ Christmas cards. I've sent them out every year since I lived on my own, which was 17. So yeah, I've sent out cards for 19 years! This year is being skipped in lieu of our birth announcements. So everyone who has sent cards, thank you! You are definitely on my xmas card list now, but...

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Oh crap. The "b" word was mentioned.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 23 Desember 2008 0 komentar
Bedrest.It looks like I want to be like my due date buddy Hollie and have sudden high blood pressure too.I went in for my appointment today and my blood pressure was suddenly elevated. It wasn't too bad, so nothing to worry about right now, but a sudden rise is a bit worrisome due to my past issues. My normal bp is anywhere from 115/60 - 120/70 and today it was 150/80. Like I said, not too bad, but...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
That all came out a little wrong. I didn't mean for it to all be about pregnant women, as I've just been noticing it all around. The examples I was able to use were simply the ones I could use anonymously, can't get too finger pointy around here. I guess it just overwhelmed me yesterday. I was just prompted with another one of those "I have a hangnail, do you think I should go to labor and delivery?"...

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Am I just being schnarky?

Posted by Unknown Senin, 22 Desember 2008 0 komentar
What's wrong with me lately? Am I just being schnarky? Or does a shit load of people just need to honestly suck it the hell up?There is so much shit people have to go through in the world. REAL shit. For fuck's sake, Lemondrops just announced some serious fucking news. Jen's husband died and a few weeks later, she miscarried their child. M just lost her beautiful twin girls at 22 weeks. ~REAL~ shit...

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A bit more from the last post.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
When I asked if any of you had a plan, I should of made it clear I did ~not~ have a plan. I just assumed he would do what needed to be done. I saw him with his nephews and knew he would be good with kids, but that's about as far as it went.My husband is a GOOD man. It's why I married him - he was the yin to my yang. I was the wild girl who needed someone who could not only chill my ass down in my...

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I lost it. So let's talk about daddies.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008 0 komentar
The controversial idea kind of petered out. It was more of a whine/bitch that wouldn't of gone anywhere. So it was, in fact, a big tease without any release.Instead, I would like to talk about dads and dads to be.With my first pregnancy, my husband wasn't the kind to be at my beck and call for 2am ice cream runs. Yet, I wasn't the kind of girl to even ask for that. I am very independent so I pretty...

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ooo. i've got one

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 19 Desember 2008 0 komentar
a kinda controversial one. But i'm too busy to type it right now. Hopefully in an hour or ...

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Warning: Pics of the "bump"

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 17 Desember 2008 0 komentar
Maybe a little bigger than a "bump". What do you call the next size up from a bump?I usually don't post them right in a post, but this was kinda different. (and please, forgive my awesomeness of how I look. It's 8pm after a very long day.)From the back, I don't really look really pregnant, do I?Then a small turn gives it away:And it just looks freaking crazy from the front, doesn't it?:Forgive my...

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I ~puffy heart~ ambien.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Holy shit. I slept.Well, I still woke up a few times in the morning, but I slept from like 11p-4am - 5 hours straight! I know I need to do everything I can to sleep now, as sleeping later is just something I won't be able to do. Not that it won't be possible to do, but I'll have a little newborn to take care of.It's funny how things change with each pregnancy.~ With my first, I only ate organic (at...

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No more crying wolf.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 16 Desember 2008 0 komentar
Jeez. I'm not going to assume anything anymore. I just get proven wrong time and time again.I had my "35w" appointment today. My OB was in surgery, so I met with the NP. I needed to ask all the c-section questions I had (when? can we do the version with cord issue? etc.) and she said those would all have to be answered by the Doc. When she measured my fundus (36cms!) she said "I think this baby is...

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A tagging and a stolen list.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008 0 komentar
I was tagged by Elana for something with pretty easy rules:~ Link to the person who tagged you.~ Share 7 random and/or weird facts about you.~ Tag 7 random people at the end but I'm not going to tag anyone. Do if it you want!So here are my 7 random/weird facts about myself:1. I eat salt. Plain. I love it. Mmmm.2. I never daydreamed about my wedding, having kids or any other type of "girlie" future.3....

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I live life on the edge ...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
... because that's the way I roll.~ I work for the man. The corporate man. Which means I haven't seen a "Christmas" party for years and years and years. Tom, on the other hand, works for ~a~ man, so they get a yearly celebration. I actually look forward to it. This year, I had a dress all picked out and everything. I ask Tom earlier this week "When is it?" and he responds "Oh, it's this Friday, did...

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The Budget is ~DONE~ !!!

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 12 Desember 2008 0 komentar
Whew. It took hours and hours and hours, but I have completed our budget for the next year and I think it's something we can live with. It'll take some getting used to, but it'll work.Let me take you back a little ways ...Tom and I both make good salaries. Well, I make a good salary whereas Tom makes about half as much, but he makes some kick ass commissions, which brings his totals right up to mine....

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Well, that solves that. And Maternity Pictures (lots).

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 11 Desember 2008 0 komentar
Warning. Lots of maternity photos of me only in a bra/panties below. Also pictures of children. So please oh please, only check them out if you really want to.First, with everyone telling me to talk to the nurses, I decided to make a quick call to the birth center of the hospital I'll be delivering in. I talked to a nurse who not only was the friendliest thing on earth, but she totally knew what I...

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I think that about covers it.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
~Thank You~ for taking all the time to answer me. I think I got enough answers where I'm not seeing any "new" info anymore.So I know what to so about the anesthesia and I understand about feeling tugging/pulling. I understand recovery. I understand when I can breastfeed (and really, not afraid of not bonding or not breastfeeding - that's always happened for us. Even after a vaginal birth, I only have...

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Okay, give me the lowdown on C-Sections.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 10 Desember 2008 0 komentar
I just logged on to write this post and the last comment from Izzy in the previous post started to answer this exact question. She's on top of helping me out, no?I have had 15 surgeries where I went "under" with full anesthesia, so I'm not scared of surgery. But I've never had an awake surgery like what I'll have with a c-section, so that freaks me out a bit. It also freaks me out that I've literally...

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