Nancy unplugged

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 10 Desember 2010 0 komentar
I guess I shouldn't just disappear like that. Sorry for worrying anyone. I've simply just unplugged from a few things.Internet - blogging, email, facebook, surfingCell Phone - 98% of texting, 75% of phone calls. I'm not ignoring calls, but I've stopped carrying my cell phone with me most of the time. If I'm out, I have it on me, but if I'm at home or with the family, I just don't have it with me....

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Pop tarts are evil.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
First I had one spontaneously burst into flames last year that almost burned down my kitchen. Tonight I was cooking one for Allison and had the molten lava filling poor onto my finger, giving me a huge blister.Maybe karma is coming back at me for the things I've said recently! Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Posted by Unknown Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
I just had the ~best~ dinner. It started off with a giant plate of spaghetti, with some awesome grated parmigiano reggiano smothering the top of the homemade saude (no jar sauce for us.) Then I had myself a whole lobster tail, dripping in melted butter. Anything dipped in melted butter tastes scrumptious, but the lobster was over the top. Yum! What did you have for dinner tonig...

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First one.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 25 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
Its snowing. Gotta love fall in colorado!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Magazines and strip clubs.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
Does it bother you if your husband reads nudie magazines? What about going to strip clubs?None of it bothers me at all. I guess if he was going to strip clubs ~all~ the time, it'd be a different story, but the occasional strip club with the boys, I'm all good with.I do have a silly rule when it comes to strip clubs though. There is a no sex rule when he comes home. I guess I just don't like the idea...

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Posted by Unknown Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
What magazines do you subscribe to?Mine are: ~ life and style (brain candy)~ cosmopolitan~ money (gift from my dad)~ parenting ~ playboy ~ sports illustrated (for my hubby)~ rolling stone ~ maxim Wow. That's quite a bit. And I recently chose not to renew glamour, espn and better homes & gardens.Now it's your turn to tell me what mags you get.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Odds and ends.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
~ I had a sliver on the ball of m left foot and it hurt everytime I walked. So I fit it out with a needle and I actually got that little sucker! But now I have a wound from all the needle digging and it hurts worse now than before. Awesome.~ Did I mention our pathfinder got vandalized a few weeks ago? The little window behind the passenger's back window was smashed in with something. The door was...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Why is it that I seem to get behind people who don't realize they should pull up in the intersection when they re trying to turn left? When the light turns yellow, they don't go, instead just stay where they are through an entire light cycle. Seriously, who knows not to do this?That's the problem with living in a smallish city. People don't have enough practice driving in traffic. I wish it was legal...

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I talked to the neighbors.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
I saw my neighbor outside yesterday so I went over to talk with him.The first thing he did was apologize for the barking dog. I told him I hoped he didn't think I was a crazy anti dog bitch. I told him I was cool with dogs amd didn't mind the normal barking. But barking nonstop for hours late at night, waking up my sick children, was what I wasn't cool with.He explained to me they were out late Sunday...

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I'm having trouble with viewing some blogs.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 11 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
Now that I'm back in the swing of things, I'm bummed I can't read some of my favorite blogs. I can't get to Sara's (life goes on) or Mrs Spock.Is anyone else having trouble viewing some of these sites?The newest one I can't get to is April's. GRR...

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A house full of sickos.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Saturday night, Ella came down with a fever of 102. Allison quickly fell into the same thing. Sunday was karl's turn at a slight fever. Now it's my turn.I'm coughing up the grossest shit from my lungs. The kids have runny noses, sneezing fits and sore throats. It seems I have completely different symptoms.Fun times.Everyone still has low grade fevers. Which is good because that tells me their little...

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The new neighbor's dog.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
The new neighbors moved in this week to their rental and the first thing needing to be fixed is to get a fence. They have a large German Shepard with a large bark and they leave him outside alone in the dark, tied up.The dog has been barking incessantly for close to four hours now. Started at 8p and now its close to midnight. See, I don't mind the normal bark of a dog, but this dog hasn't stopped...

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What's for dinner mom?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
That's my most hated question. I hate trying to figure out what to cook. I don't mind actually cooking, but figuring out ~what~ to cook is a pain in my ass.What are you having, or what did you have, for dinner?Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Posted by Unknown Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
I posted a few pictures of the kids over at my other blog if you'd like to take a look....

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Nobel Prize in Medicine

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I'm sure you have all heard about the pioneer behind IVF, Robert Edwards, was named the Nobel Prize in Medicine winner. I learned about it through facebook, with a few people linking to the article.I read the article and you know what? In explaining IVF, they actually said the embryo would be "implanted" back into the woman's uterus. IMPLANTED. Seriously. You'd think they'd get the terminology correct...

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I promise

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
to read and comment on all of my loyal reader's blogs and them some. Trying to navigate the comment boxes and word verifications to leave messages just seems to be too hard for me on my phone.So, I promise to declare reader bankruptcy again and this time, for 30-60 minutes a day. It'll all work out. You girls all rule so much! Thank you. Through my dark days, which you may even not know about, I still...

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Congratulations dear "x"!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
One of my favorite bloggy friends just found out she was surprisingly pregnant. She was late and I begged her to test. Which she did and a fabulous 2nd line came up right away.She is going to wait until that magic 12 week mark to announce it, so I won't be saying her name. But I'm just so damned excited about it, I ~had~ to give her a shout out about her thrilling news. So congratulations sweet "x"....

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Posted by Unknown Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
I've recently received two awards and wanted first to thank them, and then to fill them out.The first was from the fabulous geochick and she gave me five questions to answer...1. Do you still live where you were born/grew up? Why?-- I was born in Kansas City, Missouri and I don't live there anymore since my parents moved us away from there when I was only five years old. I don't consider that "home".2....

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A few questions for you ...

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 30 September 2010 0 komentar
I love learning about my fellow bloggers, so if you have time, please take a moment and answer this little survey? I'll answer myself in the comment section.1. What shoes are you wearing right now?2. What are your favorite shoes?3. What was the last cd, album, song, piece of music you purchased?4. What was the last concert/show you went to?5. If you could meet and band/singer (dead or alive), who...

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Posted by Unknown Rabu, 29 September 2010 0 komentar
We all know my personal opinion on how I feel about cosleeping with an infant, but this post isn't about that (whew! I know! Not another nancy-on-her-soapbox-post!)I have a totally different opinion about cosleeping with a toddler or older children. I love it!When one of the girls has a nightmare or just wakes up scared of the dark, they come to us in bed and gets in. This period of cuddletime is...

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Let me talk about the weather.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I know, super fun topic, huh?Colorado weather is weird. It always has and always will. But I do love it. It just takes some getting used to. After 13 years, you'd think I ~was~ used to it though.It is unseasonably warm right now. High today will be 85. Which sucks. See, although 85 doesn't seem hot, we don't have air conditioning. (most older homes in Colorado don't have a/c. it's not just us) So...

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Another weekend is over.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 12 September 2010 0 komentar
Its Sunday night, another weekend is over. Although since I'm not working, it doesn't really matter what day it is. Except I get to spend time with my fabulous husband on saturday and Sunday.Today was my day "off". Tom went to a football game yesterday from like 10am - 7pm so he wanted to reciprocate and give me a day off too. Except it didn't turn out that way. I went grocery shopping with all three...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Has anyone seen any good movies lately? I'm thinking of going to go see inception. Thoughts?Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Bitchy or schnarky?

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 11 September 2010 0 komentar
I've been awfully bitchy and judgmental lately. I will be the first to admit it. Its like I want the world to follow my rules. I need to get a better attitude!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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A fine line.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 10 September 2010 0 komentar
There is a fine line between tooting your own horn and bragging. Tooting one's own horn is just sharing something the writer is proud of. Then there is flat out bragging. The latter has been irritating me in some of the blogs I've been reading. Sure, you're happy about this and that. I get that. Hell, I do it myself. But we don't need to hear about it in every post. We get it. You're happy about x,...

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The hunt is on.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 09 September 2010 0 komentar
I have finally gotten my shit together and I'm now officially hunting for a job. Its scary out there, I hope so badly that I get one fairly soon. I really should of started earlier but I just wasn't ready. Now I am.Wish me luck girls! I really really really need some.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Dear pregnancy gods...

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 07 September 2010 0 komentar
If you are listening, please help my dear Shayna get her bfp she has dreamed about. I know you've given out some well deserved pregnancies lately, like tigger and Emily. They worked for years for it and you finally pulled through for them. Shayna has been trying for years and years and I think its her turn.So please, can you send out one more for a deserving woman? Pretty please?Sent from my Verizon...

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I'm losing it!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I'm down another two pounds this week. Yay! I'm sitting at 136 lbs. So I've lost 14 lbs on my diet so far.I shouldn't say diet, since I'm still eating anything I want. I'm just eating less of it. Portion control is where its at. It takes awhile for your body to get used to it and I didn't lose any weight for the first 3-4 weeks, but now its just melting off. I'm glad I stuck with it. Only 6 more pounds...

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I had to call 911 for my husband.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 06 September 2010 0 komentar
Yesterday my husband had a hard day. We were in the garage getting things together to go to the balloon festival and I heard something hit the washing machine. I assumed my husband dropped something. Five seconds later I turn to look for him and he is in the floor, having a seizure.As quickly as it started, it was over. He hopped up telling me he was okay. But then he started feeling shaky and really...

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What's your favorite season?

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010 0 komentar
I love summer, but I'm definately ready for fall. Growing up in phoenix, I never really experienced fall. It was more like summer and then winter. No in betweens.I love warm days and cool nights. I love the colors of the changing leaves. I love the smell of the crisp evening air. I love to wear jeans and a cardigan. What about you? What is your favorite season?Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackB...

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Posted by Unknown Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010 0 komentar
I fucking hate backhanded comments. I just got one, which I promptly deleted, but it still pissed me off.What's with people lately? If you don't like someone, why read and post on their blog? If you do post, just say what you want to say instead of pretending to he nice but actually saying something shitty? I'd rather get a straightforward comment then a backhanded one. I'd have to say I hate passive...

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Its all over

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010 0 komentar
My tooth is gone. And Yay for IV sedation to get through an oral surgery without feeling a thing. I'm quite sore now, but its not too bad. I can handle this. The hole I feel in the back of my mouth is strange but you can't really see it when I open my mouth to laugh. And you can't see it at all when I smile. That's a relief. I don't have to feel embarrassed. I don't know when I will be able to afford...

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Wish me luck.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010 0 komentar
I have my oral surgery tomorrow morning at 9:30. It should be a piece of cake because I'm getting IV sedation. The recovery will be the worst of it. I'm going to miss my tooth. We've been through a lot together!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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What a strange comment.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I just received a comment on a post that was months and months ago. It was a picture post which one of the pictures showed karl's little naked butt.The comment was "rude or not, why would you put a picture of your baby's naked butt on the internet. No one wants to see that. And why would you embarrass your own child?" I didn't know it was possible to be offended by a baby's butt. Apparently, someone...

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Posted by Unknown Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010 0 komentar
All my jeans were in the washer and I needed a pair to wear. So I pulled off the top pair and they just looked too small, but I tried them on anyway.They fit! Size six baby. I'm more than surprised but very happy with myself. I've been dancing around the house and checking out myself in the mirror. I'm such a dork. But I'm a skinny dork!Sorry to be tooting my own horn here, but I'm just plain excited...

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Posted by Unknown Senin, 23 Agustus 2010 0 komentar
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?For me, I'd have a house on the beach. Maybe one of the Hawaiian islands.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Home births

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010 0 komentar
Robin mentioned home birthing in her comment to my last post. It is one of those things I also feel strongly about.I get why people want homebirths but it is another one of those things that are risky. Sure, most of the time they go off without a hitch but why would people risk something happenening? If I had Karl at home, I would have died. No ifs ands or buts. I would have bled to death and I would...

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Co sleeping dangers.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010 0 komentar
I just read in the news of a baby dying due to cosleeping with his mother. The parents said they've always coslept and thought they were safe because they were such light sleepers and very aware of their child in bed with them. But tragedy struck them when the baby was accidentally suffocated.How horrible. This poor family. They are going to have to live with the fact they killed their child for the...

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Monday, bloody Monday.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 16 Agustus 2010 0 komentar
First off, thank you all for the birthday wishes! A lot of you commented here and I got bunches of Facebook happy birthday wishes. My birthday was great because of all of you. So thank you. From the bottom of my heart.I went to the dentist this morning and got some bad news. My bad tooth is now infecting the bone. Which means I need to get it pulled. Lame. Its my very back bottom molar so I'm going...

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Happy birthday to me.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010 0 komentar
Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be a big 38 years old. How I'm inching closer to 40 astounds me.My husband and I just went to a wedding. It was a full catholic mass. In Spanish. I'll leave it at that.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Weight loss

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
There's one good thing about being really depressed. Weight loss! Yay?I was 148 a few months ago and now I'm 138.5. Woot. I'll probably gain it all back when I'm through with this, but for now, i'll take it! Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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The nicu

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 30 Juli 2010 0 komentar
Has anyone seen the HBO documentary "little man"? Its about the struggle a couple had to keep their 25 week preemie alive. He was born at just one pound. He ended up having a lot of problems but survived through the end of the film when he was two years old. The program was really good to watch. Especially because one of my best friends gave birth to a 33 weeker just three weeks ago. He'll be coming...

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My mommy

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 29 Juli 2010 0 komentar
My 73 year old mommy is coming to take her 37 year old daughter to the doctor in the morning. Now that I have kids of my own, I know she's more than willing to do this for me. I'll do anything for my kids. And if that means driving them to the doc when their 40, so be it.Tomorrow morning I have my newest injection procedure being done in my facet joint. I haven't talked to the injection doc yet, but...

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Do you know who I am?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 27 Juli 2010 0 komentar
I was just driving to the store and the guy in front of me decided driving ~with~ gas was just too scary for him. So I honked as a friendly reminder to get it going. As I turned into the right turning lane, I passed him and I could see him yelling at me. So I slowed down and rolled my window down..."excuse me?" I query."do you know who you're fucking with?" he asks back.I point around his beat up...

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After everything is said and done ...

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 23 Juli 2010 0 komentar
I love the fact we did ivf/fet to get Karl.I had such a mixture of ttc experiences.For Ella, we ttc for 18 cycles. We did all the tests and exploratory surgery. Everything came out normal. I was diagnosed as unexplained, but knowing what we know now, it was most likely my lining that caused the trouble. We were in our way to our first iui and I got pregnant before we were able to move ahead.With Allison,...

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Posted by Unknown Kamis, 22 Juli 2010 0 komentar
If you could go out and have any food in the world right now, what would it be?For me, I just got satisfied with some awesome sushi. Ella and I met some old coworkers of mine for lunch. I got Ella a cucumber roll, but as soon as she saw it, it was a no go. I guess trying to feed your super picky kid rice rolled up in seaweed wasn't such a good idea.I got the cadet roll (spicy tuna, cream cheese, avacado...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I usually don't proof read as I don't really mind typos, but my goodness, my last post has like fifty typos. Its bothering me.I just dropped the kids off at daycare. Now its just me and Ella. I have nothing planned for today. What is there to do? Its so nice to have plans and today I've got nothing on the agenda. What are you doing today?Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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power cleaning.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 21 Juli 2010 0 komentar
Whew. Two hours of power cleaning gets stuff DONE! I cut corners - I swept buy didn't mop. I still got spills my band though. I didn't dust but dusted a few days ago.I canged everyone's sheets and already have it folded in the linen closer. I vacuumed but vacuumed around some shit I could have moved. I got the girls toys all in the you area and organized in a little. My room is perfect. Bathroom cleaned....

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Posted by Unknown Senin, 19 Juli 2010 0 komentar
I was recently asked to be a potential surrogate. Something I would love nothing better to do. I called my ob asking about my last hss. Seems my stupid uterus still has issues. Remember me telling you about the adhesion bands I had? I guess that's an issue for carrying another child. I'd have to get surgery to remove it and then I'd have the risk of more scar tissue. This is something that definately...

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Posted by Unknown Senin, 12 Juli 2010 0 komentar
Come out, come out wherever you are! I haven't heard from you here nor an email and I'm worried about you. Are you still out there?(smooches!)Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Low 60s and raining...

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 08 Juli 2010 0 komentar
Makes for a weird colorado july summer day. We have been getting our normal afternoon rain everyday, which is nice, but today was a little cold for my taste. I went to the mall today and went ring shopping. Next year is my tenth wedding anniversary (ninth next wwednesday! Woot!) and I'm getting a new wedding ring. My engagement ring is a single round cut diamond and my band is just that, a band. So...

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"At Just Brakes they really do care...

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 06 Juli 2010 0 komentar
.. to stick their foot up your ass!"My brakes just started to make a noise this weekend. I take my car in immediately. Guess how much?$999.88 Yeah. They can kiss my ass while they remove their foot. Fuckers.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Welcome to the world pj.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 04 Juli 2010 0 komentar
I don't know if she's giving out his name so ill stick to initials. Laurel was induced at 33w and he weighed a whole 2lbs 13ozs. Wow. Congratulations momma!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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I want to be a gestational surrogate.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 02 Juli 2010 0 komentar
But I think I'm too old. What's the age limit, doesn anyone know? And how in the world does one start the process?I don't even know if I could be one in the count of my history with high risk pregnancies, but if at all possible, I'd be one in a flash. I think it would be the greatest gift I could ever give to someone.I've been thinking about it so much lately, I wish I could just do it. Sent from...

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Sleepy time

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 24 Juni 2010 0 komentar
Its 830 and all three children are in bed. The husband is at another red sox game. I'm going to sneak away the night and go to bed now. I remember when I was punk rock and going to bed before 9 was ridiculous. That's the time I used to get ready to go out!Ok, maybe I'm not that bad, but I'm being that bad tonight.Have any of you recently gone through big changes like this? Sent from my Verizon Wireless...

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Posted by Unknown Senin, 21 Juni 2010 0 komentar
karl was discharged this morning and he's doing well this day so far with is. He just took a giant nap. Poor kid, all that poking and proding he got.The hospital was great though. When we finally for admitted, we were given a nice private room. In the bed were a teady near and a hand made quilt that were donated to every sick kid. I said I'd leave it for someone in need buy I was told if I don't take...

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23 hour observation.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 20 Juni 2010 0 komentar
We are being admitted for at least a 23 hour observation period. The half life of this med is super long and another kid, bigger and older than karl took 8 days to recover. I'm the worst mom.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
So far the nurses have been sweet. Looks like I'm looking at 4-6 hours of scary side effects.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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How could I be so stupid?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I had the bottles in my overnight bag and I was unpacking them from the trip this weekend. I put one thing away and turn and he has pills in his mouth. I call poison control and the send me immediately to the ER. I think I'm repeating myself. I'm scared.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Do you consider yourself lucky?

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 10 Juni 2010 0 komentar
I do. No matter what life has thrown on me, I am able to get through it. Why? Does luck have to do with it? Or is it simply fate?What do you feel lucky for?~ my husband ~ my children ~ a roof over our heads ~ food on the table ~ our health. Yes, even my own.Sometimes you have to think about the basics. So many people don't have these things. And I do. I am lucky beyond words.What about you?Sent from...

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My car was broken into

Posted by Unknown Senin, 07 Juni 2010 0 komentar
I got in my car today and found it in total disarray. My glove box and center console has everything in it taken out and thrown on the seats or the floor. Nothing was taken. All my electronics and cds were left. I guess they were rifling through it to find fast cash. Not interested in anything else.Looks like I'm going to have to lock up my car at my own home. That's lame. Sent from my Verizon Wireless...

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Summertime and the livin's easy

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 04 Juni 2010 0 komentar
It seems to have gone from winter to summer these days in Colorado. Definitely unseasonably warm. But I like it. I love the heat.A few shoutout...Good luck today for laurel's growth scan. She has been on hospital bedrest for four weeks now. Today is a big day because if the baby has grown in leaps and bounds, she will be sent home for bedrest there. Its hard to be in the hospital for that long. I'm...

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The morning weight

Posted by Unknown Senin, 31 Mei 2010 0 komentar
Was 147. I'm taking it as a lb lost just to have something positive right away.I was doing well friday and saturday but today blowed. We went to a town fair and I ate buttered corn, a snocone, an Hawaiian ice and some cotton candy. Then 2 breadsticks and 3 pieces of pizza. Two more slices around 1am too. So obviously this was my cheat day.How I lost tons of weight easily is that I just stopped eating....

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I weigh

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 27 Mei 2010 0 komentar
148 lbs. Shit. What happened?I'm 5'8" and should weigh in 20 lbs lighter. This sucks. But I'm starting right now to get out of my weight hole. Right now. So it looks as if ill be concentrating on weight loss and my blog will follow my struggle with it.One of my med's main side effect is weight gain. But I'm not going to hide behind that. I ~can~ control this. I ~can~. Just watch.Sent from my Verizon...

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I got a new tattoo!

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 19 Mei 2010 0 komentar
I got my right sleeve started. In whole, it is a cherry blossom tree. But in its brances, its got all the kis names in it. I love it....

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Today was drive like a moron day.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 16 Mei 2010 0 komentar
Every car I was behind today drove like a moron. Seriously. Its been one of those days.I hate hate hate when people are scared to turn left. Look, if that scares you, get off the road. Or just away from me.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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All day hangover

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 07 Mei 2010 0 komentar
So I went and saw Flogging Molly on Wednesday night and I got so drunk. One or two or three many beers. But I had a blast! I was, however, the recipient of an all day hangover on thursday. It seems my body can't take that type of abuse anymore.Getting older sucks dirty monkey bal...

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"Not to be mean"

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 27 April 2010 0 komentar
Don't you notice when people start off a sentance with "not to be mean" or "not to be rude" or some other phrase like that, the thing they have to say IS mean and/or rude?Look, feel free to think what you want, but if you have to start off by saying something like that, maybe you should think twice before allowing it to come out of your mouth (or through your finger...

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Sublime was, well, sublime.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
What a wonderful night. Sublime was ON! It was zoo surreal to listen the whole crowd sing along with every song. They played everything I wanted to hear, even Scarlet Begonias for an encore. Amazing. Simply amazing.One of the guys we went with had to buy a scalped ticket and it came with a box seat. While all the boys went down in front with the masses of people, I was in the VIP area where I had...

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Oh whoa is me.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 26 April 2010 0 komentar
My belly is still swollen like a football and its starting to turn purple. Ultra sexy if you ask me.Still, I am still planning to go to Denver tonight to catch sublime. They got back together with a new singer (since their original singer died) and they're touring. Ill sit down in the back due to my condition, but I'm still excited to go. And a band I've wanted to check out, dirty heads, is opening....

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I've been discharged.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 23 April 2010 0 komentar
Doc thinks its a hemotoma due to my hemoglobin going down from yesterday. They told me what I need to look out for and sent me on my way. Thank God I didn't need another surgery today to drain it!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I saw the doc and he was shocked how swollen I was. So he is going to talk to the surgeon to see what he suggests. I may have to go to CT to see what's going on in there. I may have to go back to surgery to drain my belly. The guy in the next room is entertaining me. He sounds like he thinks he is dying. "oh god. Oh god. It hurts. It hurts. Oooooh! Please help me. Oooooh! oh god. Oooooh!" Sent from...

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I'm back in the hospital.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The left side of my belly swelled up like a football. I called the doc and they sent me to the ER. I swear, can I get some good luck today?Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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I'm out of surgery!

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 22 April 2010 0 komentar
Surgery went well I guess. I'm in post op eating graham crackers and drinking apple juice. How crazy. I can't believe I had emergency surgery today! And, of course, I blogged about it. Since I came from the ER, I had my stuff with me so I had my phone. Going to relax now. Hope your day is nothing like mine!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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I'm going to surgery

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
In ten minutes. Wish me well!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Im in the hospital

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
With possible appendicitis. Fun times.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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Nancy: 1. Laundry: 0.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 19 April 2010 0 komentar
Take that laundry! I got ahead of you this weekend. Even towels and sheets have been washed, dried, folded and put away! Ha!So. I'm fat. I gained like 15 pounds somehow. Well, I know how - I eat a bunch of crap. But 15 lbs in two months? A side effect of my medication lists weight gain as symptom #1, but I didn't think it would affect me. Seems I'm not so lucky. I was so proud of my weight loss after...

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The monster is gone.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 18 April 2010 0 komentar
I've come to the realization that the green eyed monster is almost gone. It took some time, but it seems I am no longer jealous of other's pregnancies.I was talking with jenn yesterday about this. I think I've finally come to the place that pregnancy is in my past and I'm okay with it. The memory of my pregnancies is still with me but its time to turn the page and focus on my life with my children.One...

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Its raining its pouring...

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 17 April 2010 0 komentar
I love rain. I really do. But this is the second time its messed up my scheduling of getting our lawn power raked. Oh well. I'd rather it rained and rescheduled the appointment then not smell how beautiful the air is after a nice rain.What are you doing today? I'm cleaning and being a mommy while the husband is out getting his chest tattooed. I'm dying for my next ink session. Have I mentioned it?...

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Why do people love screwing with nature?

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 14 April 2010 0 komentar
These "your baby can read!" commercials are irritating me. Why on earth would someone. Need their baby to read so early?Leave learning alone people. Babies are soaking up as much information as they need. They don't need to learn sight words now. Let babies be babies! This reminds me of process elimination or whatever they call it. Teaching babies how to use the toilet. When in reality its teaching...

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Aw, shucks.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 12 April 2010 0 komentar
Thanks for letting me know you are still out there! You all made me feel all warm inside!I'm sitting outside in the sun right now. Savoring this Colorado spring weather. Its just gorgeous out now.Although I feel I'm coming down with a cold or something. I feel it in my chest. Yuck. I hope I can avoid getting sick.How are you all doing out there? My reader is full and there are tons of blogs I need...

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I lost it.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 09 April 2010 0 komentar
I lost my readership, didn't I? I've been a crappy blogger lately!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBe...

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It's George's fault!

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 06 April 2010 0 komentar
Ah. I figured out why my kitchen has so many problems for me. The guy who first owed our house died in the kitchen. All of these things happening to me in the house all orginate in the kitchen. Two toaster fires, light socket bursting into flames, huge electric shock from one of the electrical sockets, fire alarm going off whenever I even turn on the (very clean) oven. Ah ha.Geor...

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For all intensive purposes, it was supposebly irregardless to the story!

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 02 April 2010 0 komentar
Heh.Those three words/phrases are my vocabulary pet peeve. ESPECIALLY when I hear someone in a position of authority use it.Today it was the newscaster chick. She said "supposebly". Um, hello, news chick? There is no such word as "supposebly". Really. See? --> "supposebly - no dictionary results". Yet people use it all the time. And it drives me absolutely batty!Irregardless is another non-word...

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It ~is~ a new toaster!

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 01 April 2010 0 komentar
I replaced it after the original fire. So I think my house's soul just keeps making deals with whatever applicance I bring into the house! ~wi...

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My house ~wants~ to catch fire.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Seriously. I've never had such fire troubles ever. First, my heating lamp got unhinged somehow and fell on top of the wood log in peter pan's cage (our tortoise). We just happened to get home when if happened, as we caught it before too much damage was done. It was smoky and the log was smoldering, but we got it taken care of immediately.Second, my toaster sticks while cooking pop tarts and I get...

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is it because something ~i~ did?

Posted by Unknown Senin, 29 Maret 2010 0 komentar
My kids are good sleepers. Scratch that. Other than Allison, my babies were good sleepers. I'm tired tonight and I'm laying in bed listening to my little boy sing to himself, play with the crib gym and aquarium. And I think about how I just put them down to sleep and they'd go to sleep after some time or immediately. Even allie would go right to sleep, her problem was staying asleep.So I wonder, CAN...

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Tomorrow morning is my big "what's next?" back appointment.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 22 Maret 2010 0 komentar
You may remember me calling my newest back doctor, "dr love", because I was in love with him - due to him knowing what was wrong with my back. At that time, he said there was a lot that could be done - all the way to surgery for fusing the vertebrae together to facet joint replacement. Since then, he's sent me to Physical Therapy (which he's since stopped, knowing it's not going to help my problem)...

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The worst nickname ever.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 21 Maret 2010 0 komentar
Back in high school / college, I skateboarded. One day I feel hard and got some major road rash on my knee. All my skin was scraped off my knee and developed into a huge scab. Whenever I'd walk, it would crack and bleed. It was horrible.Just days after, I went to a party. I had my plastic cup of beer and was sitting on the couch with my leg up on the coffee table, trying not to bend it. A friend of...

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Lots of blogging and laundry.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010 0 komentar
I am trying to get back on track with blogging, so I am hereby declaring I will be blogging every day to every other day. There. I got it out there. Now I have to do it!And my topic for today? Laundry. Mundane. Run of the mill. Everyday. Boring. Laundry. What a way to start out a big blogging kick!I separate loads into:~ whites (hot)~ lights (warm)~ heavy lights - as in sweatshirts, pants, etc. (warm)~...

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My knee is killing me.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 19 Maret 2010 0 komentar
oh. my. god. ~ouch~I thought my cyst was going away, as it's smaller, but now the area under and behind my knee is killing me. It's about as big as the area of your hand and it constantly hurts. I've been icing it to try to help get the pain under control.I wonder if this is in connection with the cyst. ~shrug~ All I care about is it gets better pronto. This suc...

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Sling Dangers ...

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010 0 komentar
Did you just see the news about the 7 day old baby who was suffocated in a sling? ~tragic~See, babies don't have the lung power to clear the carbon monoxide from small places. Blankets/materials don't have to be against the baby's face, even small clear spaces are so dangerous. This is why co-sleeping is a danger. You can be so careful to have blankets/pillows away from the babies face, but if the...

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What the hell is today? Tuesday?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 09 Maret 2010 0 komentar
I'm losing track of days. How terrible.Anywho, thanks to Alina and Erica who diagnosed me correctly - the lump in my knee? it's a Baker Cyst. I guess it's pretty normal and will either go away on it's own, rupture, we can have it aspirated or surgically removed. It's still the same shape as it was before, maybe even smaller now, so my idea is to leave it alone and it'll just go away. I don't notice...

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I found a lump.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 04 Maret 2010 0 komentar
There is a spot on the back of my knee (in the "knee-pit") which has been bothering me for a few weeks. I could feel something when I walked, but couldn't feel anything. As time went on, the spot had become more painful. My knee has become a tad weaker in stride. And I feel something in there popping back and forth along the tendon while I walk. Last night, I found it. The lump.It's as big as an...

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The house is on fire.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 01 Maret 2010 0 komentar
I have been having some bad luck with fire in my house. First I almost burn the house down making a pop-tart, and last night, my light switch tries to do the same thing.Last evening, I was doing laundry (washer/dryer is in the garage) and every time I went outside and flipped on the light, I heard a weird noise coming from the light switch. Hrm. I thought nothing of it and continued on my way. But...

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Posted by Unknown Jumat, 26 Februari 2010 0 komentar
I received a package two days ago and had ~no~ idea what it could have been. I certainly didn't order anything (it sucks being broke). I brought it into the living room and opened it like I was opening a christmas present.As soon as I opened it, I realized it ~was~ Christmas! yay!!!Yes. It was Sock It To Me time! And the wonderful Miss Susy was my secret bloggy buddy who was in charge of sending me...

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Posted by Unknown Selasa, 23 Februari 2010 0 komentar
I really don't have anything to talk about regarding boobies, but I couldn't think of good title. ~wink~(psst ... there is a video of karl's first steps over at my other blog!)I'm still in the first steps of figuring out my insurance options. I've sent a letter requesting the specific reason for being denied. After that, I have to get my psychiatrist involved in writing a letter that I am "stable"...

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Posted by Unknown Selasa, 16 Februari 2010 0 komentar
I am livid. ~~I applies for life insurance awhile ago and went through all the steps in getting it underwritten. My insurance agent just called to tell my application has been denied specifically due to what was written in the report from my psychiatrist.My life insurance agent didn't know the specifics due to privacy issues, but said he's only seen this a handful of times in his career, usually...

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Posted by Unknown Senin, 15 Februari 2010 0 komentar
I just don't see how it's possible to have so much laundry. My mother had 5 children and did the laundry once a week. I do a load or two everyday and I never seem to be ~done~.How do you keep up with your laund...

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Maybe I'm just inept at watching movies.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 08 Februari 2010 0 komentar
I watch movies weird. I already know I'm a tad strange in watching the ends of movies, but today, I was thinking of the other things that may be considered "weird".~ I always try to spot mistakes. Like watching a clock in the background to see if the time remains consistent. Or the amount of liquid in a cup. Or if some one's clothes are wet, they remain the same amount of wet throughout the shots....

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I'm still alive.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I don't know where my motivation for blogging went. It's not like I don't have the time - as an unemployed girl, time is what I do have. As I said on the my other blog (and posted a few karl pictures) we just got over a stomach bug. But other than that, pretty much nada.So I'll leave you with a question ...If you had to pick between losing taste or hearing, what would you choo...

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Just because I'm done ttc doesn't mean my uterus is done giving me trouble.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010 0 komentar
Jeez. Can I catch a break? Please?So. My cycles have been wonky and I was bleeding everyday for, um, like 27 days. Yes. 27 days. I figure that's a bit much and i call my OB, asking if I need to come in. Yes, yes I do. My appointment was scheduled for the next week and of course, my bleeding stops. The power of simply having an appointment fixed the issue. But I went to the appointment anyway, at least...

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Life after infertility.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 02 Februari 2010 0 komentar
Infertility sure has screwed me up.The biggest part of my title isn't "infertility", it's the key word "after". But how come I can't put it all behind me?I can't watch any baby delivery shows on television. I abhor even seeing the commercials for shows like "I didn't know I was pregnant". I have a hard time listening to anyone talk about how many kids they are going to have, like a given pregnancy...

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Ride along with the police (updated!)

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 27 Januari 2010 0 komentar
Whoops, I didn't realize the last one even published. I typed the title and had to run out, and I must've hit publish instead of save.So. I went on a ride along with the police. I have a really good friend who is a cop, so I get to ride along whenever I want. It's so much fun. When we go on calls, I get to go up into whatever situation arises, except if it's something obviously dangerous. It's cool...

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Ride along with the police.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 26 Januari 2010 0 komentar

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If you could only pick two

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 22 Januari 2010 0 komentar
bands to listen to for the rest of your life, what would you pick?Mine? Sublime and Nirva...

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Do you have a favorite word? A word you hate?

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 20 Januari 2010 0 komentar
I hate the word "moist".I love the word "milk".Y...

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And ~this~ is why I watch the ends of movies.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 18 Januari 2010 0 komentar
I just watched the end of "The Mist". OMG. Worst ending ever. Worse than The Departed. Horrible. Horrible. Horrible. Not that the movie looked like a really good movie, but it would have pissed me off if I watched the whole thing. Hell, it pissed me off I watched 10 minutes of it!Anywho - the last post made me laugh so hard. I loved all the answers!!!I've been in a rut. I need to get out of it before...

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Questioning some long standing mysteries.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 13 Januari 2010 0 komentar
1. ~ What is the proper way to put your top (flat) sheet on your bed? "Design" side up or down?2. ~ When changing the roll of toilet paper, which way does the flap lie? Over or under?3. ~ What are the basic steps to making scrambled eggs? Specifically, what do you scramble the eggs with, if anything, and what do you "do" to the pan before pouring in the eggs to cook?4. ~ Is it okay to put leftovers...

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How often do you change your sheets?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 12 Januari 2010 0 komentar
And be honest!We change our sheets every 2~ish weeks. Of course there are variables in there which may make them get washed in a shorter time, but 2 weeks is our average. We occasionally accidentally skip a washing and the sheets stay on for a month, even more at times! (gross, eh?) But my sheets just aren't on the top of my list in cleaning items. They should be though - the thought of sleeping in...

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A favor to all you private blog bloggers ...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I use google reader for all public blogs, but for the private blogs, I had a folder in my favorites list. When I lost my operating system, I obviously lost all my bookmarks too.Can anyone who has a private blog that I was invited to, can you PLEASE email me the URL? Pretty please? With sugar on top? And a cherry?(nleisher AT yahoo DOT c...

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