Let me talk about the weather.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 29 September 2010 0 komentar
I know, super fun topic, huh?

Colorado weather is weird. It always has and always will. But I do love it. It just takes some getting used to. After 13 years, you'd think I ~was~ used to it though.

It is unseasonably warm right now. High today will be 85. Which sucks. See, although 85 doesn't seem hot, we don't have air conditioning. (most older homes in Colorado don't have a/c. it's not just us) So it gets hot in the house. Not as bad as when it would get in the 100s, thank goodness, but still. It's warm.

Our saving grace is our attic fan. We have a huge fan installed in the attic opening and when we open the windows, it sucks in all the outside air and pushes the air into the attic. So our house gets as cold as it is outside. Then I close up the house to trap all the cold air in and all the hot air out. So our house does stay cool most of the day. It's late afternoons and early evenings that suck.

The weird thing is the temperature is in the low 40s at night so when I wake up, the house is freezing and I have to turn on the heat to get it to at least 60. Strange, I'm running the heater on the same day I wish for an air conditioner.
Judul: Let me talk about the weather.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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