
Posted by Unknown Rabu, 29 September 2010 0 komentar
We all know my personal opinion on how I feel about cosleeping with an infant, but this post isn't about that (whew! I know! Not another nancy-on-her-soapbox-post!)

I have a totally different opinion about cosleeping with a toddler or older children. I love it!

When one of the girls has a nightmare or just wakes up scared of the dark, they come to us in bed and gets in. This period of cuddletime is one of my favorite things to do. We don't make it a habit though, as I still believe our bed is just that. ~Our bed~. As soon as they are sound asleep in my arms, I carry them back to their own bed. But those moments of having a child fall asleep and sleep soundly in my arms is beyond wonderful.

Karl just woke up crying and did not want to go back down. So I scooped him up and brought him in his big bed with me. (we have a full size bed in his room.) it took awhile, but he finally fell asleep in my arms.

To be honest, I wish cosleeping with an infant didn't have risks of death. I would have loved to sleep with my babies. It's just such a peaceful time. And nothing competes with that sort of bond with your baby. I'm perfectly content though that sleeping with an older child or toddler is no longer dangerous. So when I get to do it, I will gladly let one of my children in bed with me.

I do want to be careful though, especially with Karl. I don't want our bed to become a permanent family bed. I still believe our bed is our bed. And children, for the most part, should not disrupt our one personal sanctuary. But on the rare occasion one of my children feel the need to sleep with me, I'm happy as can be to share my space.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Judul: Cosleeping
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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