Low 60s and raining...

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 08 Juli 2010 0 komentar
Makes for a weird colorado july summer day. We have been getting our normal afternoon rain everyday, which is nice, but today was a little cold for my taste.

I went to the mall today and went ring shopping. Next year is my tenth wedding anniversary (ninth next wwednesday! Woot!) and I'm getting a new wedding ring. My engagement ring is a single round cut diamond and my band is just that, a band. So I've decided so far on a channel setting of round cut diamonds. I loved one so much I almost busted out my wallet right there, but ill wait until next year. Booo!

I haven't been reading blogs because I do 99% of my internet action on my phone and its just not conducive to reading blogs. Which sucks. I have to get on my computer and catch up. Until then, what's new out there internets? Any news?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Ditulis oleh Unknown
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