Odds and ends.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
~ I had a sliver on the ball of m left foot and it hurt everytime I walked. So I fit it out with a needle and I actually got that little sucker! But now I have a wound from all the needle digging and it hurts worse now than before. Awesome.

~ Did I mention our pathfinder got vandalized a few weeks ago? The little window behind the passenger's back window was smashed in with something. The door was still locked and nothing in the car was stolen. So we think it was just pure vandalism. With insurance, it cost us $281 to get it fixed.

~ The streetlight at the end of our driveway has been out for months (and we think the darkness had a play in the vandalism). Our neighbors across the street called the utility people and found out it was one of the lights that would no longer be maintained due to budget costs. If we wanted it turned back on, we would have to pay a fee of $75. So we are splitting the cost and our light is back on.

~ Insomnia has been kicking my ass recently. I just can't seem to get to sleep at a reasonable time. It sucks. But once I do fall asleep, I will generally stay asleep. Which is huge for me.

~ I tackled the laundry this week and for now, I win. All clothes, sheets, towels, blanket and floor carpets have been washed, dried and put away. As of now there is nothing in our hampers. Go me!

~ I've had a crazy sweet tooth the past couple days. I've been eating hot tamales and hershey chocolate bars. Getting AF by surprise tonight probably has something to do with it.

~ My favorite number is 25. I count all the time while I'm waiting for anything. Like a commercial break to end. A stoplight to change. The phone to ring. I think it's a touch of OCD.

~ I'm pretty sick right now. My throat hurts and my head is draining out my nose and down my throat. Yes, I know. It's crazily sexy. Don't deny it.

~ It's midnight right now and I'm sitting in bed, blogging, and sharing a lollipop with karl. He woke up covered in puke so after washing him up, he is wife awake.

~ I'm in love with the food channel. I love all the shows.

~ My favorite pizza is extra cheese, ham, mushrooms and uncooked tomatoes. What's yours?

~ I had to google the difference between it's and its. The general rule is if you can replace it's with it is, the from of it's is used. I think I've gotten that wrong for years.

~ Okay, time to go and focus on the boy. I hope he gets tired enough for bedtime soon. My eyes are burning.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Judul: Odds and ends.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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