Just because I'm done ttc doesn't mean my uterus is done giving me trouble.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010 0 komentar
Jeez. Can I catch a break? Please?

So. My cycles have been wonky and I was bleeding everyday for, um, like 27 days. Yes. 27 days. I figure that's a bit much and i call my OB, asking if I need to come in. Yes, yes I do. My appointment was scheduled for the next week and of course, my bleeding stops. The power of simply having an appointment fixed the issue. But I went to the appointment anyway, at least discussing what the hell was going wrong.

First off, I sit in the waiting room amongst all the pregnant bellies. That's just torture. Even sitting where I am, it's hard. Stupid IF. Anywho, I get called back and my fabulous OB comes in. I get a pelvic exam and a manual and he thinks he feels something. Great. So he leaves to talk to his u/s tech to see if she has time to assist with a SSG. He wants to open up my uterus with saline, while watching with the u/s, to see if anything is in there.

Before the SSG, I get a visit from the monkey wand. We find a pretty cyst, clocking in at 4cms. Not that big at all for me, since I used to get 9-10cms cysts regularly. Then my OB comes in and I get my procedure. My uterus opens up and we find an band adhesion. Basically scar tissue stretching from each side of my uterus. Awesome.

He says since I've stopped bleeding and I'm not trying to get pregnant, we should just leave it be. But if it gives me any more trouble down the line, I'm to call him again and we need to go inside for a look. Another surgery. What a lucky girl I am!
Judul: Just because I'm done ttc doesn't mean my uterus is done giving me trouble.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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