Posted by Unknown Jumat, 26 Februari 2010 0 komentar
I received a package two days ago and had ~no~ idea what it could have been. I certainly didn't order anything (it sucks being broke). I brought it into the living room and opened it like I was opening a christmas present.

As soon as I opened it, I realized it ~was~ Christmas! yay!!!

Yes. It was Sock It To Me time! And the wonderful Miss Susy was my secret bloggy buddy who was in charge of sending me socks.

I've been reading her blog for eeons, so I was excited when I saw her name. And plus, me knowing her meant she knew me, so I'd get me some awesome socks. And I did. Actually, I got THREE pairs of socks! And they all signified something.

This first picture shows the two I'm not wearing right now. The bear socks represent my "mama bear" status. The winky skull ones is because although I'm punk rock, I'm a secret girly-girl too (she is SO right!)

And this picture shows the ones I am wearing right now. BAD ASS, eh? I love love love how there is an arrow pointed upwards. I'm ~so~ going to rock these socks with a pair of shorts as soon as summer comes. You better believe it!

So THANK YOU Susy. You rocked out picking me out some bad ass socks and I love them all. You fucking RULE!

And thank you Kym for being the awesome girl that you are and put together SITM every year. This is my 2nd year participating and I've enjoyed it each time.

My sock partner, Mrs. Gamgee got a lame partner in myself as I totally forgot about SITM this year until I got my package from Susy. Although I immediately got on my favorite sock website and picked out three pairs, the fact remains that I'm still late. I shot off an email to her asap and hopefully she won't hold it against me when she gets her awesome socks I picked out for her. :)
Judul: SOCKS!!!
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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