And ~this~ is why I watch the ends of movies.
Senin, 18 Januari 2010
Anywho - the last post made me laugh so hard. I loved all the answers!!!
I've been in a rut. I need to get out of it before the knitting needles come back out and I start stabbing my eyeballs out. or in. I guess if I stab my eyeballs, they'd be going in, not out. Unless they got stuck on the needle and pulled out.
I got my house refinanced. I dropped an entire percentage point - down to 5%, so that's good.
I'm so bored staying home. I swear, this rut has got a hold on me.
Speaking of staying at home, I got all the steps I have to do to get into nursing school this fall. The job search will be a deciding factor, but I'm getting all set to start school just in case. Yay!
Okay, gotta check on my unemployment status. I'm officially eligible now. I have to make sure it's still active.
Judul: And ~this~ is why I watch the ends of movies.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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