How often do you change your sheets?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 12 Januari 2010 0 komentar
And be honest!

We change our sheets every 2~ish weeks. Of course there are variables in there which may make them get washed in a shorter time, but 2 weeks is our average. We occasionally accidentally skip a washing and the sheets stay on for a month, even more at times! (gross, eh?) But my sheets just aren't on the top of my list in cleaning items. They should be though - the thought of sleeping in tons of dead skin cells grosses me out.

I just washed my bedspread and when I went to put it on my bed, I changed the sheets, thinking it's been 2 days short of 2 weeks. I come out in the living room and my husband asks me "did you just change the sheets?" After I told him I did, he informed me he just changed all the sheets on all the beds last night. And I didn't even notice! (you know why? I passed the hell out on the couch last night and SOMEONE didn't tell me to get off the couch and go to my bed. Yeah, just let the girl sleep on the couch and not in her own bed. ~grumble~)

I don't know what I'm thinking about more - I'm bummed that I "wasted" new sheets on only 1 day old sheets ~or~ he changed the sheets on my bed in the first place!

So -

question #1 - how often do you change your sheets?
question #2 - does your husband/partner change the sheets or is it your job?
question #3 - how do you know what sheets to put on the next time? Do you rotate them out? Do you use a method to rotate all of them? Do you just use your favorites? Or are you a clean em and throw them right back on the bed type of person?

My answer --- I use a method to rotate all of my sheets so they all get used the same amount. I put the just cleaned ones at the bottom of the sheets stack and I use the one on top for the next sheeting, so I'm always going through them all, one by one. Seems normal that that's what most people would do, but now I'm thinking, maybe it's not!

(baby thing mentioned.... )

Karl's been a poopin' machine in the last few days where I am changing sheets and mattress pads 1 to 2 times each day. And today, he had such a morning blowout that as I was taking off his footed jammies, he had poop all down his leg and into in between his toes! I wiped off all I could (basically, all the chunks) with wipes and then off into the bath he went. Actually, he got a quick shower first because I didn't want to make him sit in shitty (literally) water. Gotta love those baby baths at 6:45am!

(end baby thing)

Back to the sheets - don't forget the questions!

question #1 - how often do you change your sheets?
question #2 - does your husband/partner change the sheets or is it your job?
question #3 - how do you know what sheets to put on the next time? Do you rotate them out? Do you use a method to rotate all of them? Do you just use your favorites? Or are you a clean em and throw them right back on the bed type of person?
Judul: How often do you change your sheets?
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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