Tomorrow morning is my big "what's next?" back appointment.
Senin, 22 Maret 2010
Since then, he's sent me to Physical Therapy (which he's since stopped, knowing it's not going to help my problem) and to a Pain Management Dr who performed the series of three injections (which is the most I can get in an entire year). Last time I saw Dr Love, he simply discussed positions I can sleep in and how pillows can help, refilled my pain patches and sent me on my way. That was Jan 26th. Since then, I haven't gotten any relief and I'm in agony every single night without fail. So I made an appointment, which is tomorrow morning, to ask him "what's next?".
I'm a little nervous about what he'll say. I was so positive about seeing him at the beginning because he seemed to understand what I was going through, but just sending me on my way last time with pillow positions has gotten me worried. I'm going to bring up the surgical options. I don't want to just be set aside as a there's-nothing-more-to-do patient. I want help. I want to get better. I want to do everything possible to ~cure~ my back issue, not just deal with it.
I don't know why I'm so scared, but wish me luck.
Judul: Tomorrow morning is my big "what's next?" back appointment.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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