Sling Dangers ...

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010 0 komentar
Did you just see the news about the 7 day old baby who was suffocated in a sling? ~tragic~

See, babies don't have the lung power to clear the carbon monoxide from small places. Blankets/materials don't have to be against the baby's face, even small clear spaces are so dangerous. This is why co-sleeping is a danger. You can be so careful to have blankets/pillows away from the babies face, but if the baby doesn't have a CLEAR and BIG opening to clear out the carbon monoxide from their breathing space, tragedy can strike.

So if you use a sling or co-sleep or use blankets or pillows, PLEASE remember they need NOTHING around their sleeping little mouths. Even leaning into mommy to breastfeed while laying down can be dangerous.

Please, please, please be careful with your little ones. Please. This is too tragic and happens more than you'd think.
Judul: Sling Dangers ...
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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