The morning weight

Posted by Unknown Senin, 31 Mei 2010 0 komentar
Was 147. I'm taking it as a lb lost just to have something positive right away.

I was doing well friday and saturday but today blowed. We went to a town fair and I ate buttered corn, a snocone, an Hawaiian ice and some cotton candy. Then 2 breadsticks and 3 pieces of pizza. Two more slices around 1am too. So obviously this was my cheat day.

How I lost tons of weight easily is that I just stopped eating. That made it easy. But then my body goes into starvation mode and any calorie I eat stores on me. Which is why I gain the weight right back.

This time I'm going to lose weight by eating. Watching what a eat and the most important thing- portion control. Feeding three wee ones makes nutritious kind of hard, so there are things like pasta and pizza and chicken nuggets. Its a pain in the ass to cook two meals so if I eat what they eat, it'll work. Plus I'm starting to exercise again which is just as necessary as eating right.

I ~can~ do this.

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Judul: The morning weight
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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