The monster is gone.
Minggu, 18 April 2010
I was talking with jenn yesterday about this. I think I've finally come to the place that pregnancy is in my past and I'm okay with it. The memory of my pregnancies is still with me but its time to turn the page and focus on my life with my children.
One of my best friends is pregnant right now and I love talking about how she is feeling. And I even watched one of those baby TV shows and I was fine with it!
I didn't know I would ever get over the fact my turn is over. But somehow it is. I guess it just took some time. And its a nice place I'm in now.
What about you? Have you ever been in a place where you were jealous about something and found you are over it somehow?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Judul: The monster is gone.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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