Woman Tries To Sell Baby In Airport Toilet

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 07 November 2013 0 komentar
Woman Tries To Sell Baby In Airport Toilet
Woman Tries To Sell Baby In
Airport Toilet.

A woman has been arrested in Turkey for allegedly trying to sell her baby to a couple in a toilet at an airport.
Turkish police released CCTV showing the 22-year-old, identified as Dinara A, arriving at Istanbul's Sabiha Gokcen airport in a taxi with her mother - and the child in a carrycot.
Once the cab leaves, the woman can be seen speaking on her mobile phone.
The security footage then shows a couple at the airport - the woman with a handbag and man with a red suitcase - heading to meet her.
Dinara A enters the toilet with the baby, followed by the other woman who is seen leaving the facility with the baby.
Police said the woman agreed to hand over the child to the Turkish-born German couple in an airport toilet on September 14 in exchange for 1,000 Turkish Liras (£310), Dogan News Agency reported.
According to police sources, the German woman decided to return the baby to the toilets after she realised she could not pass through passport control with the child.
She later called police claiming she had found the baby in the toilet.
Dinara A, her baby, and mother were later deported from Turkey.
The German woman was released after providing testimony.
Judul: Woman Tries To Sell Baby In Airport Toilet
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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