Man shoots dead his lover’s sister, turns gun on himself

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 20 November 2013 0 komentar
Dar es Salaam.A Mwanza businessman yesterday shot dead his lover’s sister and injured her mother before killing himself at Ilala, according to police. A driver caught in the drama was also injured.
Gabriel Munisi sprayed a vehicle with bullets in the 7am attack. There were four people in the vehicle, including his lover Christina Nandonewa, her mother Hellen Eliezer, sister Alpha Alfred and driver Francis Mishumila.
The five were leaving home for the airport, where Nandonewa was to board a plane for Cyprus, when Munisi approached and started firing at the car. Alfred died instantly, according to Ilala Regional Police Commander Marieta Minangi. Munisi then turned the trigger on himself.
Investigations are going on but preliminary findings indicate that Nandonewa and Munisi had a lovers’ quarrel, according to Ms Minangi.
“We are still carrying out investigations and we will give more details after we have all the information related to the incident,” said the Ilala police boss. Nandonewa was treated for minor injuries at Amana hospital and released. Ms Eliezer and Mr Mishumila were referred to Muhimbili National Hospital. Jacqueline Msuya, a Muhimbili official, said the driver’s condition was serious and he had been taken to the Intensive Care Unit. A body search revealed that Munisi had a pistol, two bullets, two magazines and 14 covers of used bullets.
A similar incident took place last month when a man shot himself after injuring his fiancée, the TV personality Ufoo Saro, and killing her mother. Ms Ufoo, who was admitted at Muhimbili, has since been released and is doing well. Drive Hot
Judul: Man shoots dead his lover’s sister, turns gun on himself
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