Banks should use police

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 19 November 2013 0 komentar
Last month, Dar es Salaam Special Zone Police Commander, Mr Suleiman Kova, directed all banks authorities in the city to use armed police to protect the institutions. It is, however, noted that the financial houses have not taken up the offer.
Mr Kova’s instructions had come in the wake of the spate of heists targeting banks, with records showing that in just a few months within the recent past, some Sh1.1 billion were stolen by armed robbers.
This concern notwithstanding, only a few banks have implemented the police order meant to boost security. The rest are still guarded by ill-equipped private security guards, even after the police indicated they would protect the financial institutions without charging them. It is disheartening that our banks shun free security services that would provide them with optimal security. On whose interests are these banks acting?
If the police are willing to protect the commercial entities for free, why are the managements reluctant to accept the offer aimed at beefing up security? Do these banks need Parliament to enact a law that forces them to hire police services? We would like to urge the banks managements to see the police order as an opportunity to ensure better protection for their assets and those of their customers.
Judul: Banks should use police
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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