Condom shortage hits Kamuli.Read more DRIVE HOT

Posted by Unknown Senin, 11 November 2013 0 komentar
condom16 - Condoms
Kamuli District officials have expressed concern over the continued shortage of condoms, which they say could result into new HIV infections as majority of the population at risk rely only on free supplies.
The district Antiretroviral Therapy Cordinator, Dr Goerge Kalende, said they last received condoms in July and that for the last one-and-a-half months they have been requesting for them but have not received any from National Medical Stores (NMS).
Dr Kalende said the district had recently received the latest medical supplies but they did not contain condoms despite the district having requisitioned for them.
He also said NMS said they had run out of condoms. However, the NMS spokesperson, Mr Dan Kimosho, said it is likely to have been a requisition error because NMS received some condoms and has started distributing them.
More districts complain
“If they clearly indicated that they needed condoms, there is no reason why we didn’t supply them because we have condoms in the store. It is likely that this was an ordering error but we will follow it up,” Mr Kimosho said, adding that some districts were complaining of having been supplied with too many condoms.
Several districts in the country, including Kalangala, Rakai, Masaka, Rukungiri have reported condom shortage since July despite the fact that a batch of 200 million condoms procured under Global Fund remain uncleared for use.
Last month, National Drug Authority officials warned the country could face a condom shortage following lack of personnel to test over 200 million condoms before they can be released for distribution.
Judul: Condom shortage hits Kamuli.Read more DRIVE HOT
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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