Forgive me, I'm pissed off.
Selasa, 22 September 2009
I just read a blog of a twin mom who complained that she ~HATES~ it when moms of singletons have the audacity to complain when something is hard for them.
Look, we all have our own types of hard and for each individual person, it's hard for THEM. Remember the pain olympics? We don't play it, right?
Should I tell all the moms of triplets and quads I know to tell her that SHE has NO RIGHT to complain because she ONLY HAS TWO?
Or should I tell her that she has it easy because I had two kids 16 months apart and they were on totally different schedules and milestones and I was constantly on the go? How EASY she had it that they both needed bottles at the same time instead of one needing to be breastfed while the other one needed her beans cut up?
I read this earlier this morning (no, nothing to do with my other blog's post) and I'm still steaming mad about it.
When will the world just support people for their own hardships? Why must someone have it worse than the other? It'll NEVER happen when people are like this. Had she complained about how hard she had it, I'd of supported her. Instead, I had to unsubscribe.
Sorry, I apologize for this, but it really made me upset.
Judul: Forgive me, I'm pissed off.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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