Thou Shall Not Kill

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 12 September 2009 0 komentar
I just killed a gnat by accident. And I feel terrible about it.

See, I don't kill anything. Okay, let me take that back, I do kill in some circumstances. Like if it's a black widow by the doorway of our house where it can hurt or even kill my children. THEN I'll kill it. But that's still last case scenario.

I figure I am not a being who can pick who lives nor dies, even if it's an insect. (although I support the death penalty. Hrm. That's something to think about.) Could you imagine being a little bug, going through all that is of life, only to be swacked to death by someone's hand who just felt you were annoying? Hell, if I got killed by the first person who felt I was annoying, I'd be dead many years ago! ~wink~

But really. I don't kill. I catch and release everything. Heh, speaking of, I don't even like to fish with live bait because I don't want to kill the worm or minnow. I killed this gnat though and I'm feeling all kinds of guilt over it. I'm sorry I ended your life little gnat!

And here you all thought I was a tough punk rock girl.

(eden - do you make fairy bread? And if so, do you use "hundreds and thousands?")
Judul: Thou Shall Not Kill
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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