
Posted by Unknown Jumat, 04 September 2009 0 komentar
I joined a local burlesque troupe and our workshop started last night. It takes place over the next 4 Thursday nights and I'm terrified! I am not the dancer type, but I love love love burlesque. Who knows if I can do it or not, but I'm going to try!

One thing I wasn't aware of is how close it is to stripping. Not in the taking your clothes off for money part, just the taking your clothes off part. The difference though is in burlesque, you take your clothes off in a very classy way. It's the classical strip tease, where it's more tease than strip. Apparently, burlesque dancing died with the birth of strip dancing, which is all stripping and no tease.

So. Yeah. I soon can add 'burlesque dancing' to my resume. Hrm. What Fortune 500 company wouldn't want a tattooed, pierced, burlesque dancing derby girl?
Judul: Burlesque!
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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