guilty pleasures.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 08 September 2009 0 komentar
This is the post in which I will lose all credibility...

I can't get enough of "kourtney and khloe kardashian take miami".

omg. It's on in the late morning and when I see it's on, it's like a car wreck and I can NOT tear my eyes away. Then I notice it's two back to back episodes and I said to myself "damn it, now I have to watch this for ANOTHER 30 minutes!" (like I have no choice in the matter.)

And I don't.

I don't understand why I am like this. WHY on earth do I watch? It's like television crack. I smoked one pipe hit and I'm hooked. I want to get clean, but that next fix feels SO good.

Does David Hasslehoff actually take himself seriously?

That seemed random, but it's not - it's playing on the tv next to me. No idea why it's on, no one is watching it. (except me apparently)

I figured out my song I'm going to dance burlesque to. I'm excited to go to the next class (we're making our shimmy belts!) and run it by the choreographer. Whom, I may add, is a super hot guy. And gay. No stereotypes there. (my friend who I'm attending this class with is a super hot lesbian. I'm so gay friendly.)

Now that I've showed you mine. Show me yours. (maybe not the best thing to type after talking about people's sexuality. But I only mean show me ~your~ guilty pleasures!!)
Judul: guilty pleasures.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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