Costumes are easy around Halloween

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 24 September 2009 0 komentar
The costume is coming together! My performance isn't for another 6 weeks, but I needed all my props to start practicing with, so there was no better time than now, right?

  • This is what I purchased yesterday ...

    ~ 2 pairs white ruffled panties. I want the one with most coverage.

    ~ 1 pink boa and 1 white boa.

    ~ White opera length gloves.

    ~ White over the knee socks that fold over on top with ruffles and have a bow too.

    ~ Black Mary Janes. (realized I had much too white) These shoes, by the way, are freaking GORGEOUS. I walked into Dillards and they were out, in all their glory. The shoe department guy told me they just put them out. They are Gianni Bini's and they are right HERE! Take a look and tell me what you think!

    ~ Dancer's fishnets, black, to wear under the socks. (burlesque usually have full coverage of legs and put stocking to take off on top of an underlying of fishnets.)

    ~ Blonde baby-doll style wig that is just covered with ringlets.

    ~ White tulle skirt to wear underneath the dress. I may forgo to bloomers and leave this on when I drop my dress.

  • Now, this is what I figure I have left to get.

    ~ White and/or pink corset. One that is easily removable. If not, I'll cut down the side and add in velcro or easy ties to undo.

    ~ White bloomers. The costume shop had these, but didn't have white yet.
    And depending on how the dress/underskirt looks, I may not get this.

  • This is where I ask for your opinion ...

    I think for my "big reveal" at the end of the song, with my back to the audience, I'll unhook and drop my corset. I'll keep my arm over my breasts and at the last moment of the song, when she sings brokenheartedly "someday you will ache like I ache" and it's over, I'm going to turn around and show off the girls. Here is my idea ... right breast I'll just wear the petals pastie that will be flesh toned. The right breast I'll have a pastie with a big stitched red felt heart on it. Do you think I should have it be a broken heart, falling in two? Would you think if you saw that it would convey a doll's broken heart?

  • To answer your questions...

    ~ Yes, it'll be in colorado springs. October 30th, which is a HUGE bummer because it's the same date as my friend's huge halloween party. But we'll go on early so I'll just be late to the party. I can't tell you how bummed I am about the timing of this!

    ~ Yes, anyone can come - it's an open show. I'll give details as it is nearer. (Tori, you can come to the show if you want and then come with us to the halloween party.)

    ~ Yes, it will be video taped.

    ~ No, I will not be posting it on the internet! I'm terrified doing it in front of our graduating class and the few guests who will be there already. I'm not going to put it on here for everyone to see! How embarrassing!

So if you could, chime with what you think of the broken heart idea please!
Judul: Costumes are easy around Halloween
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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