Can I buy narcotics on ebay? (and I'm going to L.A.!)

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 30 September 2009 0 komentar
Oh. My. God.My lower back is KILLING ME. Nothing is helping. I sit in a hot bath. I use ice. I'm taking more than is recommended of ibuprofen, tylenol and aleve. Combined. I had some vicodin, but I used that up after my second physical therapy appointment.Rewind.Let me tell you a little bit about what happened last week. As we all know, I have chronic back pain for about, oh, 4 years now. I've been...

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This "infertility test" has me all pissed off!

Posted by Unknown Senin, 28 September 2009 0 komentar
One of my very best friends, Laurel, told me about the First Response Fertility Test.I had not yet heard of it when she told me about it. "Are You Able to Get Pregnant?" is plastered in huge letters on the box. "A simple test to determine your ability to get pregnant" it touts. What. The. Fuck.The commercial oversimplifies EVERYTHING! It makes it seem that all you need to do is pee on a stick and...

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My pictures from the paper

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 27 September 2009 0 komentar
These pictures were taken from The Gazette and I'm sure they are copywritten and all that, but hopefully me giving them credit is all I need to to. Me warming up (I'm in the middle) ...Me at the after hours show (I'm next to suzie qt and our coach ODB) ...

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My heart is melting

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 25 September 2009 0 komentar
I am in utter shock over the comments I have received in the post below (well, actually, on my other blog). Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. That kind of support is simply overwhelming. You actually have put me in a place where I am beyond wor...

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If you are interested in ~me~

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 24 September 2009 0 komentar
If you are interested in ~me~ and not just to be entertained by my blog, please read this post over on my other blog. It's pretty heavy duty and I'm wary of writing something so personal, but we'll see how it goes.p.s. I'm famous. Or will be. The paper just called to make sure he got my name spelled correctly - There is a spread of the derby team in sunday's paper and one of my pictures is going to...

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Costumes are easy around Halloween

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The costume is coming together! My performance isn't for another 6 weeks, but I needed all my props to start practicing with, so there was no better time than now, right?This is what I purchased yesterday ...~ 2 pairs white ruffled panties. I want the one with most coverage.~ 1 pink boa and 1 white boa.~ White opera length gloves.~ White over the knee socks that fold over on top with ruffles and have...

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I figured out my dance ...

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 22 September 2009 0 komentar
I listened to all of your suggestions and rude me went with something I picked myself. I'm going to dance to "Doll Parts" by Hole.I went to an extra choreograph class tonight and he helped me come up with the beginning. I'm going to be sitting in a chair like a sleeping doll who will slowly come awake, starting with the lyrics "I am .. doll eyes" when I'll pop open my eyes. Then I'll rub my mouth...

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In an effort

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
In an effort to not only to move my venting and bitchy comment down one from the top AND offer something nice to someone in the bloggosphere ...The first person to respond to this post gets something HANDMADE by me. And it's pretty damned cool too. It's the only thing I can make well and heck, I'm going to do it. It takes me a good 6 hours to make one, so it wont be tomorrow, but I WILL do it.Y...

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Forgive me, I'm pissed off.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
~ I've turned off comments to this post. If you read the comments, the person who wrote it in the first place came and said it was her post and explained it. I think she was such a bigger person about it than I could ever be. So, after her explanation, I understand where she is coming from and I'm no longer upset at her post. Wow. How many of us could read a post like my "reply" post and instead of...

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It's raining, it's pouring, no, it's actually snowing.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 21 September 2009 0 komentar
Gotta love colorado. It's officially the last day of summer and it's snowing. I love ...

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Thanks for your suggestions!

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 20 September 2009 0 komentar
I'm going to listen to the ones I may be interested in soon. And I picked two songs to put into the pool also - ~ 'doll parts' by Hole~ 'stick out your tongue' by New Wet Kojak.I'll make a decision by thursday, our next class, and I'll let you know. I appreciate all your he...

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i need help!

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 17 September 2009 0 komentar
My song I was going to dance to in burlesque (happiness is a warm gun) was done before!Fuck!So I need a new song idea. My burlesque name is the same as my roller derby name, MurderRita, so I need a song with a "tough", yet sexy, tone/lyrics to it.Can anyone suggest a so...

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A little ~too~ well done.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I had a sweet tooth last night to decided to make pop tarts.I set the toaster and sit down on the couch waiting for it to pop. I start smelling them burn, which confused me as I set the toaster on low. I walk into the kitchen to find smoke billowing out from where the toaster sits.As I turn the corner, I see HUGE FLAMES and I yell for Tom to come in because there is a fire. He runs in to find the...

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Some now, more later.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 16 September 2009 0 komentar
I'm going to dive into my thoughts on a question asked of me from a reader in my last post, but I wanted to share a little tidbit of news i'm hyped about right now.I invited Jenn of the blog "The Oasis" to come to Colorado to visit me. She not only said yes, but she already bought her plane ticket! I am beyond THRILLED!!! She is coming in mid November and bringing her daughter, Miss Caiden. We met...

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I've ran out of things to do.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The laundry is done. The house is clean. I've seriously run out of things to do. What in the hell does a stay-at-home-mom DO all freaking day? I'm bored to death.I had to laugh at all the "one-up" comments I got on my last post. Sheesh, way to bring a girl down! I'm all proud of myself and 99% of you just had to rub it in that it was nothing to be excited about because you were all bigger than me....

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I'm rockin it.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 15 September 2009 0 komentar
I got measured at victoria's secret and I wear a 34D. Fuck yeah. I'm so proud of my boobi...

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No one puts baby in the corner.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 14 September 2009 0 komentar
RIP Patrick Sway...

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25 Firsts

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I stole this from our own samcy of Communiqué. I usually don't do these types of things, but this was a fun one!"25 Firsts"1. Who was your first prom date? ~ Jason. I wore a prom dress (duh) and he wore a tuxedo with shorts and high top vans. We doubled with our friends and her date wore the same thing. We went to prom in a Volkswagen bus which we had to push start. Yeah, we could have done the limo,...

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Thou Shall Not Kill

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 12 September 2009 0 komentar
I just killed a gnat by accident. And I feel terrible about it.See, I don't kill anything. Okay, let me take that back, I do kill in some circumstances. Like if it's a black widow by the doorway of our house where it can hurt or even kill my children. THEN I'll kill it. But that's still last case scenario.I figure I am not a being who can pick who lives nor dies, even if it's an insect. (although...

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IVF in Colorado Springs? (or Albuquerque?)

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 11 September 2009 0 komentar
I just received a gift certificate for $500 off any IVF treatment provided by RMFC. They are here in Colorado Springs and also have an office in Albuquerque, although I'm not sure if this coupon is for the NM office.I'm not going to use it, but if anyone out there is seeking IVF from RMFC, let me know and I will be more than happy to send it out. It's valid through 02/28/2010. (I'll remove this post...

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Video killed the radio star ...

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 10 September 2009 0 komentar
What form of music do you listen to? Is it all digital now?I've been listening to my records lately. I used to be a vinyl freak and scour the record stores for a new find. There's just something about the sound of vinyl that I love. And many of the artists I listen to put their albums out on vinyl. Some bands even put ~more~ on their album than their cd or digital copies.Mmmm. Vinyl. Anyone el...

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guilty pleasures.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 08 September 2009 0 komentar
This is the post in which I will lose all credibility...I can't get enough of "kourtney and khloe kardashian take miami".omg. It's on in the late morning and when I see it's on, it's like a car wreck and I can NOT tear my eyes away. Then I notice it's two back to back episodes and I said to myself "damn it, now I have to watch this for ANOTHER 30 minutes!" (like I have no choice in the matter.)And...

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Really? How is "KU" not irritating to everyone else?

Posted by Unknown Senin, 07 September 2009 0 komentar
Someone just posted about words/phrases/abbreviations uses that are annoying. For me, it's "KU". By the infertility set. Knocked Up. Really. How can the girl going through 5 IVF announce her coveted BFP by saying she got "KU'ed"? (made up scenario)Is it just ...

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Posted by Unknown Jumat, 04 September 2009 0 komentar
I joined a local burlesque troupe and our workshop started last night. It takes place over the next 4 Thursday nights and I'm terrified! I am not the dancer type, but I love love love burlesque. Who knows if I can do it or not, but I'm going to try!One thing I wasn't aware of is how close it is to stripping. Not in the taking your clothes off for money part, just the taking your clothes off part....

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Questions 1-4 wrap up (and my answers)

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 01 September 2009 0 komentar
Before I get into this, I wanted to say how very sorry I am for anyone who had such horrible things said to them. So many were just heartbreaking and hard to even read as a third party, much less these things being told to my friends. I'm so sorry any of you had to go through hearing so many of those things. And I also want to say that for those who feel guilty about the worst thing they've ever said,...

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The Care Bears

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Are the Care Bears boys or gir...

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