Three Days
Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009
To celebrate my return - I'm throwing a bullet party.
~ First, a question about reading blogs through a reader. I'll be the first to admit I am a comment whore. I love to get comments. I think everyone likes to get comments though, so I'm sure you all understand. Anywho - if you read a blog through a reader, does it make it less likely that you will leave a comment? For me, if I have something to say - I'll click on the blog to leave a comment. But I will admit if I don't have something important to say, I don't take the extra time to click on the blog to leave a random comment. So, since I read all blogs through reader, I try to click on each blog and read the post from the blog itself, only using my reader to tell me there is something to read in the first place. When I am already at a blog, its easier to leave a quick comment. This is why I have my reader feed set to "short" so you can't read my entire posts from within reader - I'm basically forcing you to click on my blog just so there is a better chance you'll leave a comment. Do you think this works? Or do you think I get the opposite effect - that people just are skipping reading the rest of my blog entries because they can't be read through reader?
~ Has everyone seen that Jen is throwing Cali a baby shower? It's this Monday - so it's close. Yay!! I'm sure you all know Cali. And I'm sure you all know she was the recipient of funds from the first U.T.E.R.U.S. fundraising campaign. And I don't have to tell you why she is one of the most deserving girls out there. Simply put: She's got a heart made purely of love. You know how it's been said that some people are actually angels in disguise, here on earth? Cali is one of them.
~ Kym is hosting the 2nd annual sock-it-to-me sock exchange. I meant to do this sooner, but looks like I missed the boat in the advertising aspect because yesterday was the deadline to sign up. I did sign up myself, but I wanted more people to sign up too. Someone out there is going to get a badass pair of roller derby socks (striped, over the knee) from me and I can't wait. You remember the Coke campaign "I'd Like to Buy The World a Coke"? My own campaign would be "I'd like to buy a pair of bad ass socks for every IFer in our blogging community". So the sock exchange is a perfect thing for me to be a part of.
~ I went to a kegger last night. Heh. An honest to goodness keg party. I was, by far, the oldest person there. I didn't think I would actually end up staying, but I did. I wasn't out late, I was home by 1am, but it was much more fun than I expected. We all ended up in the hot tub too. My husband is super pissed off at me though. He's just the jealous time and if I ever go out without him and stay out later than I expected, I get in "trouble". It really sucks, but what can I do? I didn't do anything wrong, so I just have to let him work it out himself. I'm getting the semi-silent treatment right now. You know the kind - where you are spoken to when necessary, but no chit-chat. I just hate the double standard in play. When he goes out with the boys, (which is rare - about the same rarity that I go out without him) they always end up at the strip club, not making it home until the wee hours of the morning (3am~ish). And I NEVER care. I don't mind he stays out late. I don't mind he goes to the strip club. But if ~I~ go out? Lame. There is just no pleasing him in this situation. And it sucks.
~ It's snowing right now. And I love it.
~ My HIDA scan went okay. I got a bit nauseated and moderately crampy when they put the cck in. And I saw much of the contrast flow out of my gallbladder, but quite a bit was left in too. So I'm not sure how great the function is. I should get the results next week. The first hour spent filling up my gallbladder with the contrast was wonderful though. I had my ipod on and she turned off the light. I had myself a great little nap.
~ I have another tattoo appointment on tuesday for my lower arm. It's my last of the "every two weeks" appointments. We just can't afford it. Our plan is each of us get one appointment each month, so from now on, after a session we make another appointment for 2 months out. This will take forever to get out ink done, but it's the only way we can budget for it.
~ Remember to check my other blog for baby pictures/updates. That is where I post all family type posts. As soon as I publish this one, I'll go over there to blog.
~ Hrm. Not much to talk about. And now you know why I haven't blogged for 3 days.
Judul: Three Days
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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