This has been eating at me.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 03 Maret 2009 0 komentar
Forgive the second blog post right on top of another new one, but something is really bothering me.

There is a someone in my life who has recently just written me out. And I have no idea why. When I first noticed it, I asked her directly and she denied there was anything wrong at all. And here I am, totally noticing it - not just "thinking" it, but seeing the evidence of it too.

I know I'm not liked by everyone. And that's fine with me, I don't bend over backwards to be liked. You either like me or you don't. I don't fret over the ones who don't. But if someone did like me for quite awhile and then just stop? It hurts. At least don't lie to me when I ask what's going on - have the balls to tell me why you are stepping away from me. No matter how tough I am with my opinions, I still have feelings like any other human being.

Thanks - just had to get that out. Writing about it won't do anything for the situation because I seriously doubt she'll even see this. But it was eating at me and I had to get it out of my head before it burned a hole in there.
Judul: This has been eating at me.
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