huh? what? when? where?

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 12 Maret 2009 0 komentar
That's how I've been feeling. Totally out of sorts. I've had 3 gallbladder attacks this week. And since they mostly occur late at night, I've been a walking zombie during the day. Actually, not much of a walking zombie than a sit-on-my-ass-zombie.

Before I say more, is everyone watching Pam's first IVF cycle? I'm SO into watching it. And with so many bad luck IVF cycles lately, I'm hoping this one is the one to break the bad luck streak.


Not even much to talk about except I have surgery next week, either tuesday or friday. I was supposed to go back to roller derby this week, but I'll be out a few weeks recovering from the gallbladder removal. I have lost a bit more weight, standing at 141 lbs now. Um, yeah. That's about it. Oh - I got more of my tattoo done. I'll throw up an ink pic soon.

I've got to go pack to get ready to leave for Salida in the morning. I'll try to get back to type some more tonight.
Judul: huh? what? when? where?
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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