This is my title.
Selasa, 17 Maret 2009
I just wrote all about my past 5 days on my other blog. (If you don't know about it, click on my profile on the right column and it's listed under "My Blogs") Not too exciting, but it shows my irritation in the moment.
It's St Patrick's Day. I was going to go out tonight, but I want to go out tomorrow night with some friends of mine and it's not fair of me to get to go out two nights in a row. Its a bummer too, since the people going out tonight are people I've really been trying to go out with, and I always have to cancel at the last minute. They are going to think I'm flaking out on them when I'm totally ~not~. The hubby wants to go out tonight too, so I can't very well tell him "no". Although, I ~could~ use the fact he's been able to go out Friday night, Sunday night and Monday night all he wanted since he's been here at home all alone. It's not my fault he didn't take advantage of it, right? I should drink a few Guinness tonight, regardless of going out.
Tomorrow night will definitely be a mellow night because I have surgery on Thursday. Yup, we're all set to remove my gallbladder at 1:30pm MT. I'm super bummed it's in the afternoon instead of the morning. I always try to schedule my surgeries/procedures in the morning due to the "no eating or drinking after midnight" rule. It's much easier not to eat or drink for a 730am surgery than one starting at 1:30pm. I had one hell of an attack Friday night while at my in laws. Tom wasn't with me and I had all the kids "alone", so I got all emotional and I started crying. Ugh. How embarrassing. It lasted until the wee hours of the morning, but I did get some relief by getting some IV pain medication at the ER. See, my father in law is the CEO of the hospital so he took me in that night (they made me go) and since he's the boss of oh, every single person in the ER, I was quickly taken care of. Wow - what service. From the time I walked in the front door to the time I was in a room of my own and being examined by a doctor was literally under 3 minutes. I felt so stupid to go in too, since there was absolutely nothing they could do for me. I already had surgery scheduled and everything. Oh well, at least I got the edge of the pain off.
Oh boy. I just looked at my google reader and have 585 posts to read. Looks like I'm only going to be able to scan the latest posts from everyone to get through them. Hopefully I can do that tonight and tomorrow so I can be back to commenting sooner rather than later. Oh, and thank you for all the emails checking on me. I ~lurve~ you girls!
Judul: This is my title.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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