I feel lost when I have no internet

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 20 Maret 2009 0 komentar
Ugh! I get home and got a dose of pain meds in me, so I was trying to sit upright and move around to get some of this air outta me and my internet connection was down! I called my ISP and at least they had a bulletin up letting us know there was a known problem in my area and it was being worked on.

It's up now so I'm going to see how long I can sit up in an upright position without just dying.

I have updated in little tidbits, but as a bigger and better explanation - I went in for surgery, expecting it to be easy peasy, but woke up in the most atrocious pain I've ever had in my entire life. Even before I could open my eyes or speak, I was writhing around in pain, making crying/grunting noises, trying to let me nurses know how bad it was. My lovely normal blood pressure of 118/72 was up to 190/160 or something like that, so they knew I was having hardcore pain. They pumped me full of narcotics and it wasn't helping. 30 minutes later, I was still in the same amount of pain, but now I was fully awake and able to speak. The nurses and docs couldn't believe how much meds I was getting and it not helping. I got 6 full doses of morphine and a bunch of something else (not darvocet, dilaudid or ativan, but I simply can't remember what it was). An anesthesiologist came over and asked me how much I had been taking at home lately, thinking I had built up a tolerance to it, but I hadn't been taking anything, except the trip to the ER on the past friday night, a full week before.

I guess that sometimes, some people have a hard time getting their pain under control. And my surgeon told me I had adhesions attaching my gall bladder to my stomach all the way to my small intestines. So he removed all that along with the gallbladder removal, so maybe I was just more damaged in their than I 'should' have been. Regardless of the reason, it was a very real reaction to me and I begged them to put me back under because I simply could not handle it. BUT ... four hours later, I felt WAY better and could have definitely made it at home, but I had already been admitted to the hospital. So I just hung out there as I was pretty much stuck. It would have been "nice", but they were checking my vitals every hour, so that doesn't make for good sleep.

When I first got in my room, I asked for a pump. It took 4 hours for them to get it to me! Seriously, how hard is it to go up to PEDS to get one? Grrrr. (and Eden, I had already gotten my gallbladder removed.) But thank goodness they got it to me. I was a good little girl and pumped every 3 hours and poured that liquid gold down the sink. I ~hate~ throwing milk away. Funny - I was pumping and had another gown on like a robe, so if anyone walked in, like they were all damned night and day, no one would be face to face with my nipples being pumped like a cow. Of course, someone did walk in and she didn't know what to do with herself. It was the financial services girl and she diverted her eyes, even though I told her I was all covered. She then asked if she should come back and I told her I had no problems, as long as she didn't mind listening to the hum of the breast pump motor. The girl acted like I was masterbating in front of her. Seriously, she didn't know what to do with herself. ~shrug~. No idea what her problem was.

So I am home and dealing with normal post op soreness and shoulder pain from the stupid air they pump you full of during the lap. Gosh I hate that - it's the worst.

Oh - a little bit of coincidence - Little miss FreezerBuns, Denise, got her gallbladder out today. She ended up in the ER with a gallbladder attack on Wed night and they removed it promptly. She is already home though, doing fine. No complications for her.

Next week I have a few more medical things going on and some other stuff, making for a full week. My biopsy is monday. My consultation with a new back doctor to see if I can continue the RFA's procedures on my spine is Tuesday. We have a family luncheon at the girl's school on Wednesday. Karl gets his "2 month old" shots on Thursday. Then Tom will be out of town early Friday through late Sunday on a work weekend in Dallas where I get to be a single mom of 3 kids yet again. Woohoo.

Okay, I need to go lay back down. Ouchies.
Judul: I feel lost when I have no internet
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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