"Would you like to have your baby on Saturday?"
Senin, 05 Januari 2009
Good lord. I do ~not~ want to induce at 38 weeks! Hell, I don't want to induce at 40 weeks. But, alas, my high risk pregnancy is not going to allow me to go to term. If baby boy doesn't come on his own soon, we're going to have to induce. Damn it.
Okay, so the lowdown is he's breech. My blood pressure is up and some protein is beginning to spill into my urine. But most importantly, my placenta is starting to mature and being AMA, this being an IVF baby, previous rapid maturation, previous placenta acretta AND the velamentous cord insertion, he just isn't going to let me go to term.
SO. Next Wednesday, the 14th, I'm scheduled to get an epidural at 11am. By noon, my OB is going to perform a version on me, which is where he will manually try to turn the baby. If unsuccessful, he'll let me go one more week where he'll either do a c-section straight off or maybe try to turn him again. If successful, I've got some choices: 1) Induce right then so baby won't have a chance to turn again. 2) Wait a week and then induce if he hasn't decided to come on his own.
Urg. The queen of anti-inductions has all these fucking induction options. Having the baby before term is okay with me, because I am high risk. It's medically necessary. But I will do this at the very last moment possible. The version just scares me because of my cord issue. It's higher risk. If the baby is wrapped in the cord somehow and they turn him, it can cause the cord to just pop out - which means immediate emergency c-section. But there could be less obvious risky issues when we perform the version which may make the induction necessary right then too. But then again, I'll do whatever I need to do for Karl's safe delivery.
9 days. Holy Shit.
Until then, I stay on modified bedrest, which means I can sit up and work from home, but he doesn't want me ~doing~ anything. Lame. Bedrest sounds ~so good~ in theory, but that's it. It's so miserable. And I only have to do it for like 2 weeks. I think of my other blogging girls who were on bedrest for months. I'd scratch my eyeballs out.
I hope he turns before we go in for the version. And if we do the version, I hope it's successful without any complications and I can wait for things to happen naturally.
Oh yeah - he hit a huge growth spurt. 91st percentile and 8 lbs 1 oz. No way. Tech said to always remove a pound from their estimations - she says he's probably 7lbs right now.
Judul: "Would you like to have your baby on Saturday?"
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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