So I just handed her my debit card.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 18 Januari 2009 0 komentar
I made it out of the house yesterday. To evil BRU (I still can't stand to look at pregnant women when I'm not pregnant. How fucking insane is that? I had a newborn in my arms. I'm certifiable.) to pick up a tub of the best butt cream ever (triple paste). Then to lunch. Then to grocery store for more sunflower seeds (I can't get enough salt). Then I decide to stop at blockbuster to get some movies.

I never rent movies. I have a bajillion movie channels and that seems to do fine. That, plus all my DVR'd programs? I'm good. But sitting on my ass watching tv for 22 hours a day (not actually watching, but sitting awake, blurry eyed because, well, that's what a new mom does) pretty much emptied my DVRd queue and I've been watching DUMB movies.

So, hey, renting movies sounded good. I wanted to see pineapple express and what a better time? (watched it last night and passed out midway. good movie so far though, my exhaustion just got the better of me.)

I had no idea how much movies cost to rent. The signs on the front of the store screamed "99 cent movie rentals!" and I went with that, picking up 7 or 8 movies. Except apparently, I picked up 7-8 of the expensive movies. When she told me the price, I normally would have simply put some back, but since I hadn't rented for, oh, 11 years, it took awhile to get my account up to date. The girl already put in tons of time and there was now a line of 9 people behind me. When she smiled and said "That'll be $43.99!", I simply handed her my debit card. Heh.
Judul: So I just handed her my debit card.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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