The last belly pictures.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009 0 komentar
Well, yesterday was my due date so I took the very last belly picture. Here are a couple of them, but I added more to the links on the right column. Both picture of me and stick figure hyperlinks to the 2 different belly pic pages, so check em out (if you want) before I take the links down.

What a difference 2 weeks make, eh?

Due yesterday. Can't believe this little man could still be totally cool living underwater in my belly. My mind can't comprehend it.

Daddy and his son.


I wanted to say thank you for bearing with me in my picture posting. I know I'm fishing for compliments, but with how shitty I have been feeling physically due to the ordeal, the little comments you all are making back to me really make me feel good.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around how close I really came to dying during childbirth. That last kiss my husband gave me, the look of fear in his eyes as he smiled at me and told me he'd see me soon, haunts me. MrsSpock made a comment which stuck with me regarding home birth. Had I opted for a home birth, I'd of died. No two ways around it. Thank goodness I never wanted that as an option. Really, I wouldn't be here right now to blog about it. My girls would have had to grow up without their mommy. My son would have never even met his mommy and he'd probably carry some major unsubstantiated guilt over his birth. It's just all too much to take in.

Question for J ... (and really, this is tmi for pretty much anyone else) what is the reason behind waiting the 6 weeks to have sex? I did not have an episiotomy nor did I tear, so does the general 6 week rule not apply to me? Or is there some other reason, like risk of infection somewhere up in there? I'm dying for some sex and don't want to wait another 4 weeks! I'm still lightly bleeding, so I have to wait for that, but as soon as I go a day without spotting, I want to go for it. I actually feel attractive and have been flaunting myself to hubby, even satisfying the man quite well (~wink~), so I want to know when I can safely get some for myself!
Judul: The last belly pictures.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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