Do I comment on your blog?

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 28 Januari 2009 0 komentar
Do you comment on my blog? If so, I should be reading and commenting on your blog. I subscribe to 174 blogs. This does not include private blogs, as reader doesn't show them as updated. This aspect drives me nuts, as I use my reader 99.9% of the time to tell me when to read an updated blog, so I miss or I'm late with all of the private blogs I have an invite to. Tip to all of the private blog owners out there - set up a notifier blog that is public. Every time you write a new post to your private blog, simply type a quick sentence in your public blog so your readers can be notified. Bree did this and it was awesome.

Anywho, I read all of my subscribed to blogs. And I comment on all of them too. I don't comment a lot, but I should comment enough for you to know I am a regular reader. (I'll admit when I get behind I don't comment at all, but I do scroll through all the blogs, getting myself updated, knowing I'll comment with the next round of posts.) So if I'm not commenting on your blog, you probably are not in my reader. And if you comment on my blog, I ~want~ you in my reader!

So, please, leave a comment to this post if you believe you aren't in my reader (and you want me to read what you've got to say!). Leave the URL if your profile does ~not~ link to your blog.

Also, there are a few of my regular commentors who own private blogs and I would love to be invited! My email is listed in my profile - I would greatly appreciate it if you invited me into your world if you are a regular reader of my world.

My readers and commentors are so awesome, I want to give back the support you all give me. So please, please, please, make sure you are in my reader! If you aren't sure, leave a comment so I can be sure myself.

Thank you!!!
Judul: Do I comment on your blog?
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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