Okay - I'm home.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 12 Januari 2009 0 komentar
I'm ~so~ freaking tired, so full story later -not that you really don't have it already, since I was doing a live blogging labor and deliver. (seriously - how cool was that? I was able to text message my blog to post those updates. No harder than that (go into blogger and set it up yourself!) so in between contractions, I was able to just send my blog text messages from my cell phone. My husband was irritated, but I had to keep my occupied so whatever. I also plucked my eyebrows.)

note: I have tons of pictures, of course, but these were the crap ones from my cell phone.

~ O.M.G.! You all rule for sending me so many comments. I will read them soon, but I was so happy seeing people were reading!

~ Heart issue: MrsSpock, yes, you were right, I was tachy, but more than that. I have to get notes because my cardiologist was using insane words, but it was one of those "tach" words, but not just tachycardia. My pulse was beating 180-200 and also the reading of the EKG was nothing they've seen. I had to get a freaking holster monitor (lots of drama with this one) and had an echo cardiogram and about 5 visits with cardiac specialists. Things are being controlled and I have to follow up. They don't know what it was all caused by, but they don't think I'm going to straight up and die anytime soon from it. This is such a boring topic, so more (or less) later.

~ Blood loss issue - J, yes, you were right, it ended up being the placenta accreta again. (Def: Placenta accreta occurs when the placenta attaches itself too deeply into the wall of the uterus). Due to the Velamentous cord, he couldn't pull on the cord at all to deliver placenta. But due to accreta, he couldn't pull too hard anyway in case of severe bleeding. He tried to deliver it and even though ~I~ thought it was because it was getting too painful, it was because I started bleeding. 5 minutes later I was being put under general anaesthesia with a freaking breathing tube down my throat (fyi - that makes your throat sore and coughing after deliver sucks.)Last time w/ the accreta I almost died, so this was the first surgery I have ever had where I was genuinely scared of not waking up. Never seeing my baby. I signed a quick consent for a hysterectomy and off I went. I woke up later to the knowledge all was taken care of w/ D&C and I still have all my girlie parts. I just have almost 2 liters less of blood.

They didn't want to give me transfusion due to some risks with that and my hemoglobin was 7.8 (should be 14~ish). The next day (today) my hemoglobin was 6.6 and my crit was 19. So no more option of not getting blood and got a transfusion today, giving me a complete 1/3 of my blood supply back. I feel exhausted from the blood loss and will continue to feel it for 6-8 weeks. It's like I feel like I've been sleep deprived from having a newborn for a month. And it's only day 2.

~ Labor - Freaking epidural did NOT work again. After 2 placements w/ Ella, 4 placements w/ Allison and just one placement (and 6 boluses) w/ Karl, The anaesthesiologists determined I have scar tissue from my back injury screwing the with administration of the drug to my system, so I'm pretty much destined to "natural" feeling childbirths. Fuck. Labor and deliver hurts. I am NEVER doing that again. (~wink~)

But I had some mighty cool socks on:

~ Delivery - I was scared of pushing because of how much more it hurts. And being in control of your own pain (push!) goes against every cell in my brain, so I hate hate hate pushing. And I pussy out ("I can't do it!") everytime, even though I know I can. So I labored an extra hour after being complete (although didn't have huge urge to push, so I was able to hold off) which helped delivery turn into a 4-push delivery, resulting in a perfectly shaped baby head.

A few hours old:

A few more hours:

Middle to the night when I was on Magnesium and couldn't sleep:

~ Breastfeeding - Going great. My milk hasn't come in, but the ducts are starting to react,so I know my boob job didn't ruin anything. He latches like a champ already and I love it.

I couldn't be happier when doing this:

Alright, I'll come back and give some more details, but I was just dying not showing off pictures of him yet!

Love and kisses to each one of you!
Judul: Okay - I'm home.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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