update on me.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 30 Januari 2009 0 komentar
I'm still fucking sick as shit. SO sick. Like laying on the couch wanting to die sick. Nurse called today and told me to take 2nd dosage of a full Z-pack, as the blood loss is going to make me heal slower. Fucking fabulous. I can't take anymore of this. Really. I can't.Haha god - joke's over. Rollercoaster fertility treatments, ohss, scarily low beta (remember? 15 at 11dp3dt? good one.), the "this...

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I ~puffy heart~ tek.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Jason Veritek agreed to a $5 million one year deal, with an option for 2010. Thank you Red Sox for keeping our captain. Baseball does have some heart left, ...

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Do I comment on your blog?

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 28 Januari 2009 0 komentar
Do you comment on my blog? If so, I should be reading and commenting on your blog. I subscribe to 174 blogs. This does not include private blogs, as reader doesn't show them as updated. This aspect drives me nuts, as I use my reader 99.9% of the time to tell me when to read an updated blog, so I miss or I'm late with all of the private blogs I have an invite to. Tip to all of the private blog owners...

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I broke a rule.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I have a rule of mine where I don't air my family's dirty laundry via this blog. Yeah, maybe a funny episode here and there, but not a post full of venting. I think karma came back and bit me in the ass because we got into a rather large "fight" within an hour of posting.Instead, I'm going to go over some of positive things I already spoke of and a few more I want to add. Plus a bunch of pictures....

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Posted by Unknown Senin, 26 Januari 2009 0 komentar
My lungs sounding so bad and since my blood-oxygen level was only 91%, the doc ordered an x-ray immediately. Seems I have bacterial pneumonia. Bacterial, because my inlaws gave it to us when they came for the birth. It went through hubby and both girls, finally getting to me. Due to having a compromised immune system (blood loss), it's hitting me harder and it will take longer for me to heal. Awesome.So,...

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Wow, I'm ~really~ sick. (upd comments)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
My lungs are mush and I cough like I'm gasping for my last breath. My fever hit 103.4 last night and I woke up a few hours later in a pool of sweat (and to a hungry baby) so I had to wake up the hubby to hold k when I literally peeled off my wetsuit.This is just a cold, correct? I don't want to run off to doctor is I don't have/need to, but wow, I'm really, really, really si...

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It's question asking time.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 25 Januari 2009 0 komentar
But this time, it's my questions to you.Today I'm asking questions to all the newest mommies out there. (The next one is a huge one brewing regarding a new perspective of primary infertility "vs" secondary infertility).Something I am very interested in is the aspect of expected vs actual. There were so many assumptions I went into pregnancy/labor/delivery with, it made my actual experience not only...

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The last belly pictures.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009 0 komentar
Well, yesterday was my due date so I took the very last belly picture. Here are a couple of them, but I added more to the links on the right column. Both picture of me and stick figure hyperlinks to the 2 different belly pic pages, so check em out (if you want) before I take the links down.What a difference 2 weeks make, eh? Due yesterday. Can't believe this little man could still be totally cool...

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Picture Placeholder

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Waiting for my husband to come home so I can take my last belly picture. As you can see here, Karl is waiting too. How tough it must be for a 14 day o...

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Temporary and craptastic pictures

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 23 Januari 2009 0 komentar
I need my husband to take my 40 week belly picture (today is my due date!) but I took these w/ my phone for a temporary placeholder....

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Well that's not cool at all.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I'm SICK. Yes. The first night/day alone without company and I'm sick. I have started couging and the top of my lungs/throat seem to be really tight. I'm not hacking anything up yet, so I don't quite know what I'm dealing with.Cr...

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explanations, bullets and pictures.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 22 Januari 2009 0 komentar
First up, some explanations ...~ The grandmas. Thank you for all your advice to just "kick them out" but shit isn't that easy. My mother's flight leaves today, so I couldn't just send her to the airport days early. As for my mother in law, well, there is too much background/history where I couldn't do it without being an evil bitch. I'm probably even thought of that already from not being peachy happy...

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My eyes sting.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 21 Januari 2009 0 komentar
I was just writing an email to Mareike about how fucking tired I am. Sleep deprivation? In full swing now.It would be better if I didn't have "help" staying with me. A week with mother in law and then a week with my mom. I've NEVER had "help" stay with me with the other births and that's how I like it. Let me pass the hell out whenever I need to, but with someone here, I feel that I have to entertain....

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I love her, I really do.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 20 Januari 2009 0 komentar
My BFF (i always feel like paris hilton when i use those letters) is the most ~wonderful~ girl on the planet to me. I love her to death, really, I do. But sometimes, sometimes, things get tough.She's ttc #3. And she's never had any trouble at all. In fact, #1 was a wonderful "accident" and #2 was conceived in the first month trying. Yeah, one of those... a fertile.Throughout my ttc-ing, she supported...

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3 hours!!!

Posted by Unknown Senin, 19 Januari 2009 0 komentar
I slept a total of 3 hours yesterday! Well, "yesterday" meaning in the last 24 hours. You don't really count sleep hours the same way as you count days, right? Jesus, I'm so tired I have no idea what I'm trying to convey right now. Let me start over.I slept a total of 3 hours since yesterday morning!orI slept a total of 3 hours last night!The last is probably more accurate, but that would sound like...

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So I just handed her my debit card.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 18 Januari 2009 0 komentar
I made it out of the house yesterday. To evil BRU (I still can't stand to look at pregnant women when I'm not pregnant. How fucking insane is that? I had a newborn in my arms. I'm certifiable.) to pick up a tub of the best butt cream ever (triple paste). Then to lunch. Then to grocery store for more sunflower seeds (I can't get enough salt). Then I decide to stop at blockbuster to get some movies.I...

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Birth Story and the after belly picture.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 16 Januari 2009 0 komentar
~ The Birth Story ~Well, I blogged most of it already, so let me put together a smaller version.Friday, Jan 9th:- 2:30/3pm: I had to be at hospital to get checked in and get an epidural started. Epis don't work on me (I've had 6 previous placements) so he gave me the epi, but put in a spinal block medicine with it, pretty much numbing my stomach.- 5pm: Went to OR and the version was performed at 530pm....

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Moo! Im hooked up to a pump right now. Fun tim...

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A quick pic to appease the masses

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 15 Januari 2009 0 komentar
heh. The masses. I sure am thinking highly of myself.Karl. 5 days o...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Still alive. Barely. Blood loss taking its toll. Will post so...

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web nursery

Posted by Unknown Senin, 12 Januari 2009 0 komentar
forgot to add this to last post ... Check out his pictures in the hospital's Web Nursery.I like #4 personal...

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Okay - I'm home.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I'm ~so~ freaking tired, so full story later -not that you really don't have it already, since I was doing a live blogging labor and deliver. (seriously - how cool was that? I was able to text message my blog to post those updates. No harder than that (go into blogger and set it up yourself!) so in between contractions, I was able to just send my blog text messages from my cell phone. My husband was...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Need blood transfusion. Still in hospital. Please send good vibes, or a little prayer for ...

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Posted by Unknown Minggu, 11 Januari 2009 0 komentar
In hosp until monday. Im having heart trouble. They think its due to losing half my blood supply in surgery. Pictures so...

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Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009 0 komentar
He is a sleepy baby! Nursed one side but now he sleeps. Im alone, everyone went home. I am going to eat, then sl...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Karl is here! 7lbs, 8ozs. I was rushed to emergency surgery due to placenta retainment. Im in recovery waiting to see my ba...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
+1 station, 95% effaced, 6cms. And pain is like nothing i have felt. During contraction, i cant control ...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Labor really hurts. Oh fuck. I have done it before, but i forgot just how horribly painful it is. No pain relief. Just breat...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Water broke on its own at 4am. Immediate hard and very painful contractions. Tom is counting me through them. No pain relief. 1...

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Posted by Unknown Jumat, 09 Januari 2009 0 komentar
Version worked! Baby boy is head down now. Starting cytotek. (no clue how to spell tha...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Confirmed still breech. Waiting for epidural now. Version in 30 minut...

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Alright. I'm off!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I'm a little more freaked out now that the initial shock has worn off, but I wanted to say a few parting words ...First off - THANK YOU, each and every one of you, for being so damned awesome. You were all here to pick me up after my failures and scares. And you stuck by me when I was schnarky. I love you all.Now, for today, the plans remain the same. I'm leaving for hospital now and my doc is going...

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oh my god.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Doc wants me to get to hospital in 2 hours. We'll try to turn baby at 5pm. If he turns, we'll put in cytotec and induce tomorrow. If not, c-section tonight.Um. Going to go throw ...

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Which ones do you hate?

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 08 Januari 2009 0 komentar
That last post was too boring (although a serious update as to me having a baby in 2 days), so let me put up something exciting schnarky.I love all of you Jen and Jenn's out there. There are so many of you and you all rule. But right now, I'm going to tell you why I love this Jenn. And I just realized it.I didn't just realize I love her, but I just realized another reason. I think we are somehow related...

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There is no way he'll let me wait.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
My OB mentioned if everything about today's appointment went well, "we'll see" about waiting until wednesday. I came in today with high hopes. BPP? Good. Still in exact same breech position, but great movements, practice breathing, good fluid. Placenta is still a bit degraded, but no more than from Monday's u/s. NST? Fabulously reactive. "We'll put your chart on his desk" the nurses say to me as I...

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Holy Fucking Crap.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 07 Januari 2009 0 komentar
My OB just called me at home. He was reviewing my BPP, NST, blood work and 24 hour urine test results and said this to me:"I know you want to wait, but I'm just not comfortable letting you go until Wednesday. Come in tomorrow for your NST/BPP and I'll review it in the evening. Then I'll call you on Friday and let you know what time I want you in the hospital on Saturday."Um. Yeah. I'm having a baby...

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2 appointments

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Called nurse and got approved to go to:~ prenatal massage appointment today at 1:45p. 90 minutes of naked rubbing. Ahhh. Heaven. But no more walking around than to/from car.~ acupuncture appt tomorrow at noon. Let's see how this idea of needles in my toes will get my baby to tu...

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Posted by Unknown Selasa, 06 Januari 2009 0 komentar
So much going through my mind, so it'll be a bulleted post (like you wouldn't figure that out all one your own).* A few corrections/misconceptions I wanted to clarify~ I am not scared/worried/whatever of a c-section. I just would rather not have to recover from surgery when having a newborn. Simple as that. So if it can be avoided, yes, I'd like to take that option.~ In regards to inductions - I'm...

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"Would you like to have your baby on Saturday?"

Posted by Unknown Senin, 05 Januari 2009 0 komentar
Shocked look from me staring back as I say "No!"Good lord. I do ~not~ want to induce at 38 weeks! Hell, I don't want to induce at 40 weeks. But, alas, my high risk pregnancy is not going to allow me to go to term. If baby boy doesn't come on his own soon, we're going to have to induce. Damn it.Okay, so the lowdown is he's breech. My blood pressure is up and some protein is beginning to spill into...

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The Misfits want my girls' skulls.

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I grew up listening to punk. I remember loving "skulls" by the Misfits (lyrics at bottom):And then I got into the 'alternative' music too like the blake babies and lemonheads and buffalo tom and I heard the version by the lemonheads:Isn't the lemonheads' version just so damned pretty? How can anyone make these lyrics pretty?~Skulls~The corpses all hang headless and limpBodies with no surprisesAnd...

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Burger King vs McDonalds commercial

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 04 Januari 2009 0 komentar
Have you seen the commercial where they take people out of small tribes and whatnot and do a taste test between The Whopper and Big Mac?This commercial totally pisses me off. Why? Because these people don't eat fucking hamburgers. And to stereotype the people they "picked" - are people who are gatherers and most likely eat a lot of vegetables. So, what has more veggies? A whopper or big mac? A fucking...

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Crap, I'm a little late with this one.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 02 Januari 2009 0 komentar
I do this with every baby and I forgot this time! Ack. Please play? And couldya make is soon (hint~hint~wink~wink)Please? With sugar on top? The winner actually WINS something too. Yeah, no idea what that is yet, but I promise it'll be some insanely fucking fantastic. Okay, it'll be a prize. No promises on the insanely fucking fantastic part.Update - we had to lock the game, due to the new info. I'll...

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The three B's

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Blood pressure, bedrest and breech.On my way to Denver on wed to stay the night end see flogging molly, NP called and told me my bp was way too high and I needed to go on bedrest and come back in Friday morning. Today it was better, but still high, but my blood work did come back looking okay. I had to change my OB appt from Wed to Monday and up my NST/BPPs to Mondays/Thursdays.She added on a BPP/NST...

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